[SDAN-578][SDAN-579] 'Account Manager' field in Company schema and use that in Company Expiry alerts (#832 )
[SDAN-570] Fixes/Improvements to the 'share' action (#838 )
[SDAN-591] Improve company expiry email layout and text (#841 )
[SDAN-570] Changes to 'share' item template (#842 )
[SDAN-572] Style changes to display 'Event Completed' label (#843 )
[SDAN-568] Improve responsive behaviour for mobile phones (#834 )
[SDAN-568] Further response layout improvements (#844 )
[SDAN-583] Preview for items that aren't wire or agenda in the Subscriber Activity report don't show the body text (#831 )
[SDAN-580] Remove company expiry check from user login and notifications (#833 )
[SDAN-587] Ignore agenda when applying time limit to search (#836 )
[SDAN-590] (fix): Celery beat and queue configs (#840 )
[SDAN-592] Coverages in the Agenda Share/Print Preview are misaligned (#845 )
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