Android client for MediaGrid. Prerequisite: To use MediaGridAndroid, you have to install MediaGrid-no-crypto from on a computer. (Suppose computer's IP and port is
Then, install the Android Client, you can install from compiled APK or build the source code yourself. Install from APK
- Download APK from MediaGridAndroid/bin, then copy it to your Android device, and click to install.
- Open the MediaGridAndroid, then click the configure button on the login page, input your computer's IP and port(i.e.
- Login with your user name to explore more.
- If in Windows, DO REMEBER to shut down your Windows FireWall, or add exception for port 5984 for CouchDB service.
- Download the source code.
- Import MediaGridAndroid. Open Eclipse, click file->import->Existing Android Project into Workspace, choose the downloaded root direcotry, and tick the project MediaGridAndroid. DO remember to tick Copy Projects into Workapce.
- Import Android support Libray. Click file->import->Existing Android Project into Workspace, choose the directory "AndroidSDK/extras/android/support/v7", tick the project "appcompat".DO remember to tick Copy Projects into Workapce.
- Reference the support library. Click on MediaGrid->Properties->android, in the library section, remove the red-crossed project if any. Then click add->Android-support-v7-appcompat.
- Then if no other errors, click run as Android application, or just copy the newly-compiled apk file from /bin/MediaGrid.apk to your Android Device. Just follow the "Install from APK" to start.