Brand new version written from scratch.
- Save configurations and progress to avoid losing them (to Google Drive)
- When reaching a trivial position, it doesn't force you to solve it manually (it prompts you to resolve those last moves automatically without penalizing you for it).
- Updated to Stockfish 16 NNUE (linrock with the 7MB nnue file)
- Parameterize Stockfish by depth and time
- Better use of Syzygy/Stockfish
- List of moves
- Allows you to select a move and continue another line from there
- Manual mode: to move opponent's pieces to explore lines not suggested by syzygy or Stockfish: "what if...?"
- Uses the chessground board which allows you to draw circles and arrows
- Board image capture
- Copy FEN and PGN to clipboard
- Button to open position analysis on Lichess
- Cosmetic improvements