App converts Supervisely format project to COCO format as a downloadable .tar archive
Application key points:
Supports instances.json from COCO format
Сonverts Supervisely polygons, rectangles, bitmaps to COCO polygons and bboxes.
Allow to export captions in COCO format
👉 To exprot captions you need to create
tag to the project (withany_string
value type) and assign it to images with caption values. -
⚠️ Сonverts annotations without preserving holes.👉 To preserve holes in polygons or export polylines it's best to use Export to COCO mask
Backward compatible with Import COCO
Add Export to COCO to your team from Ecosystem
Run app from the context menu of Images Project:
Select options in the modal window and press the RUN button
After running the application, you will be redirected to the Tasks
page. Once application processing has finished, your link for downloading will be available. Click on the file name
to download it.
To explore warnings just open Log
in the ⋮
You can also find your converted project in
Team Files
-> tmp
-> supervisely
-> export
-> export-to-COCO
-> <taskId>_<projectName>.tar