Tiny module (4kb) for date format and timezone conversion with Daylight Saving Time support.
Created from moment and moment-timezone.
Timezone conversion is done using as input a timezone data string.
This strings are available in moment-time module.
They can be found at https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/blob/develop/data/packed/latest.json
var moment = require('moment-timezone-micro');
var timezone = new moment.Timezone("Etc/UTC|UTC|0|0|");
moment.format(Date.now(), "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.SSS Z", timezone);
This timezone string can be supplied to a lightweigth client on setting params or fetched from a server running complete moment-timezone with all timezone database available.
- Example showing how to get timezone data string from moment-timezone programatically
- Implement parsing if do not increase too much the module size