Strategy of Sustainable Urban Mobility
- Roadmap for implementing sustainable urban mobility projects.
$ git clone
or download ZIP.
Important Make sure you go to the root folder before run installs.
$ bower install
$ npm install
or for root permissions:
$ sudo npm install
|--bower_components/ # Frontend packages
|--node_modules/ # browser-sync, gulp and dependencies
|--build/ # Main Prod (only for production)
| |_ components
| |_ css
| |_ iconfonts
| |_ images
| |_ js
| |_ index.html # Main index for prod server
|--src # Main DEV
| |_ client
| | |_ components
| | | |_ ... # html and js components (angular)
| | | |_ emus.module # Main angular module
| | | |_ emus.routes # Routes
| | |_ iconfonts
| | |_ images
| | |_ js
| | |_ styles
| | | |_ ... # Sass stylesheets for each view's component
| | |_ index.html # Main index for Dev server
| |_ server # Other configurations
|--tmp # Final template file from each angular view (for production)
Run gulp:
$ gulp dev
this will run server on port 1982, or can be changed on gulpfile.js file, server gulp task:
port: 1982
- Run gulp inject.
$ gulp inject
- To add css and js paths to index.html.
- To minifying HTML and putting in $templateCache.
- To add main directory for each HTML templates.
- Run gulp build.
$ gulp build
this will create a build folder for test or upload on server for production.
- Run gulp prod:
$ gulp prod
this will run server on port 2015 for final test.