It is a platform where users can come and post questions and answers as well as comment like
Users ->
- Enter the system and create a account (managed by devise gem).
- Look at the existing questions and answers (without login requirement just like stackoverflow)
- If they want to see some other user profile they require first to create a account of login)
- Post Answers to Questions or ask their own Questions
- Frontend: Bootstrap
- Backend: Rails
- Database: PostgreSQL
Updated Schema
Database schema for the app is as follows and link of lucicdchart. The schema diagram uses crows foot notation for specifying the relationship of models.
- User
- Question
- Answer
- Comment
- Badge
Installation instruction
- Change the working directory to some directory in your system ex. /projects/
- Clone the repo git clone
- cd mini_milastic_stackoverflow
- Installation instruction of ruby using ruby using rvm
- Install ruby version 2.7.0
rvm install 2.7.0
- Choose the installed ruby version
rvm use 2.7.0
- Create a new gemset for isolating your environment
rvm gemset create mini_so
- Use the newly created gemset
rvm use @mini_so
- Install bundler for installing required dependencies of the project
gem install bundler
- Install required packages using bundler
bundle install
- If Yarn packages are out of date follow the given instructions to recover
- May get some errors about database please satisfy the errors. May be by
rails db:create
rails db:migration
- Run the rails server
rails server
- Open browser and go to
Hopefully done!
- Install ruby version 2.7.0
Ruby version - 2.7.0
Gemset mini_so
rvm gemset create mini_so
Database creation
rails db:create