live show Project :
- Here basically the project is made with different types of cars. Here anyone can buy the car of his choice
- Here anyone can open a shop and buy and sell by adding their products.
- There are special types of actions for system admins that they can apply.
- Apart from this, different types of benefits are available according to the role of the user.
- Something more extra here.
Inventory Management System Project Uses Components
- @smastrom/react-rating
- @stripe/react-stripe-js
- @stripe/stripe-js
- @tanstack/react-query
- axios
- firebase
- google-map-react
- localforage
- match-sorter
- react
- react-dom
- react-fast-marquee
- react-helmet-async
- react-hook-form
- react-hot-toast
- react-icons
- react-loader-spinner
- react-parallax
- react-router-dom
- recharts
- sort-by
- sweetalert2