Guide updated to : CUDA 12.7 (NixOS host) | CUDA 12.6.3 (docker container) | Python 3.11.11 | PyTorch 2.6.0
This repository includes a step-by-step guide for :
- running deep learning libraries(such as pytorch 2.1)
- in docker containers
- via docker-compose
- with full CUDA support (container Cuda version: 12.6)
- on NixOS hosts (Cuda Version: 12.7)
The primary target of the usage guide is for setting up deep learning projects on NixOS systems with Nvidia GPUs.
Follow the guide from step 01.
- Step 01 : Setup Nvidia driver on NixOS
- Step 02 : Setup Docker on NixOS with Nvidia container toolkit integration
The following steps are not specific to NixOS. Continue along !
If you're not on NixOS, but have installed Docker + Nvidia container toolkit successfully, and pass the tests mentioned in step 02
Follow the guide from step 03.
- Step 03 : Setup Docker Compose with GPU device access
- Step 04 : Prepare a base Python image with DL libraries
- Step 05 : Prepare a Compose project with base image, JupyterLab & libs
While most of the files (and project folders are provided), you might have to update a couple of files, specially towards the final step. So, taking the time to go through the documentation is definitely advised.
This guide is definitely most well suited for the author's personal usage. However, contributions are most welcome.
There's a fair chance that this document might not be working (or simply, outdated) by the time you see this. Please feel free to open an issue in that case.