3CX v20 deployment module for Azure cloud
Prerequisites: Install terraform and azure-cli.
Create a directory with the name of your organization or better yet, a resource group name and inside the newly created directory create 3 files.
#az logout
#az login --use-device-code
#az account list --output table
#az account set --subscription XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
#az account show
#az account list-locations
# az account list-locations -o table
#az vm list-skus --size Standard_B --all --output table
tenant_id = "<Azure tenant ID>"
subscription_id = "<Azure subscription ID>"
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "4.14.0"
variable "tenant_id" {}
variable "subscription_id" {}
module "CX" {
# count = 1
source = "svetek/3cx/azurerm"
version = "0.1.15"
tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}"
subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}"
vm_resource_group_name = "RG-DEMO-3CX-US-V20"
region = "westus3"
vm_name = "DEMO-3CX"
vm_size = "Standard_B1s"
enable_accelerated_networking = false
vm_storage_os_disk_size = 30
local_admin_username = "admin3cx"
vm_timezone = ""
# az vm image list -l westus -p 3cx --all
vm_image_id = ""
vm_publisher = "Debian"
vm_offer = "debian-12"
vm_sku = "12"
vm_version = "latest"
managed_disk_sizes = [""]
managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS"
firewall_allow_voipproviders = ["XXX.XX.238.134/32", "XXX.XX.2.12/32"]
firewall_allow_clientip = [""]
vault_ad_sec_group = "L2 Support"
email_notification = "<helpdesk_address>@svetek.com"
storage_for_records = false
output "pbx_installation_ip" {
value = "${module.CX.pbx_installation_ip}"
#output "pbx_installation_url" {
# value = "${module.CX.pbx_installation_url}"
Frequently adjusted parameters based on your environment.
Parameter Name | Description | File Name |
tenant_id | Target Azure Tenant ID | terraform.tf |
subscription_id | Target Azure Subscription ID | terraform.tf |
version | Version of the 3CX module | pbx-3cx.tf |
vm_resource_group_name | RG name with 3CX resources | pbx-3cx.tf |
region | Deployment region | pbx-3cx.tf |
vm_name | 3CX VM name | pbx-3cx.tf |
vm_size | Desired SKU | pbx-3cx.tf |
vm_storage_os_disk_size | 3CX OS disk size | pbx-3cx.tf |
firewall_allow_voipproviders | SIP trunk provider IPs (if required by provider) | pbx-3cx.tf |
You need auth in your original tenant on Azure after that make switch to subscribtion
az login --use-device-code
az account list --output table
az account set --subscription <Azure subscribtion where you want to deploy>
az account show
az account list-locations -o table
az vm list-skus --size Standard_B --all --output table
Inside directory with terraform files run next command:
# Download modules and packages for deploy
terraform get
terraform init
# Plan deploy (see what changes planed by deploy scripts)
terraform plan
# Run deploy process
terraform apply
All passwords and ssh keys can be found in Azure key vault in the corresponding resource group. 3CX now asks you to set the initial password upon successful deployment. Successful deployment generates an output with the URL to be used to load the 3CX configuration and initialize the installation. This URL needs to be used quickly and before restarting your VM (restarting VM invalidates the URL prompting redeployment).
Occasionally, the apply command might fail and you need to clean up the resource group. If cleanup involves deleting the keyvault, by default Azure performs soft delete, therefore, to reapply configuration with previously generated values, perform the keyvault cleanup using the following commands:
az keyvault list-deleted
az keyvault purge --name v-test-3cx-XXXXX --location westus3
Not all Azure regions might have VMs of the selected size (our default is size Standard_B) due to data center limitations or popularity of the SKU. For this try looking up the next available VM or change to a locaiton that has the needed SKU. This applies to other resources.
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "=4.14.0"
backend "azurerm" {
resource_group_name = "RG-US-Terraform-State"
storage_account_name = "<storage_name>"
container_name = "tfstate-prod"
key = "<subscription_name>/<3CX_CLIENT_AND_VM_NAME>.tfstate"
use_msi = false
subscription_id = "<state_subscription_ID>"
tenant_id = "<tenant_ID>"
variable "tenant_id" {}
variable "subscription_id" {}
provider "azurerm" {
features {
tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}"
subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}"
Additional Parameter to consider when mainintng multiple 3CX vm states
Parameter Name | Description | File Name |
resource_group_name | TFState RG Name | terraform.tf |
storage_account_name | TFState Storage Account Name | terraform.tf |
key | Unique and Descriptive Name of the Resource vironment to maintain | terraform.tf |
subscription_id | TFState Azure Subscription ID | terraform.tf |
tenant_id | TFState Azure Tenant ID | terraform.tf |