Basic instructions for installing and running:
- tomcat 6.0.26 server (customly patched for mysql, jaxrs and jax-ws integration)
- apache-cxf-2.7.5 runtime library added to eclipse
DAO service:
- reads/writes from table "cake_recipes" in MySQL
- exposed as REST service
- deployed as WAR
- can be reached here: http://localhost:8080/bg.cakerecipes.daoservices/rest/cakes API
- all cakes /cakes
- perticular cake id -> /cakes?id=1
- multiple cakes ids: -> /cakes?id=1&id=26
DataRetrieval Service (DrService)
- reads data from a json file
- exposed as REST service
- deployed as WAR
- can be reached here: http://localhost:8080/bg.cakerecipes.drservices/rest/raw-cakes
DataRetrieval Service (DrService)
- consumes external site's REST API
- exposed as REST service
- deployed as WAR
- can be reached here: ?
- provides searching capabilities
- generates indexTrees and queries them using Apache Lucene's rich capabilities engine
- exposed as JAX-WS service using CXF runtime
- deployed as WAR
- WSDL reachable here: http://localhost:8080/bg.cakerecipes.searchservices/services/SearchServiceImplPort?wsdl
- List<id, rank> query(keyword)
- void buildIndexTrees()
Search capabilities:
- "cake" - exact match
- "cake*" - prefix cake
- "cake -chocolate" - any non-chocolate cake
- "cake -choco*"- any non-choco starting cake
Home screen of the CakeWizard site
- displays information for cakes
- search capabilities integrated
- nice shiny HTML (IN-PROGRESS)
- integration point for all 4 services and 1 WSDL
- deployed as WAR
- can be reach here: http://localhost:8080/bg.cakerecipes.client/