The AEPOptimize extension provides APIs to enable real-time personalization workflows in the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs using Adobe Target or Adobe Journey Optimizer Offer Decisioning. It requires AEPCore and AEPEdge extensions to send personalization query events to the Experience Edge network.
- Xcode 11.0 (or newer)
- Swift 5.1 (or newer)
These are currently the supported installation options:
# Podfile
# for app development, include all the following pods
target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
pod 'AEPCore'
pod 'AEPEdge'
pod 'AEPOptimize'
and then, in the Podfile
directory, type:
$ pod install
To add the AEPOptimize Package to your application, from the Xcode menu select:
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
Enter the URL for the AEPOptimize package repository:
. Click Next.
Specify the Version rule for the package options. Click Next and Finish.
Alternatively, if your project has a Package.swift
file, you can add AEPOptimize directly to your dependencies:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
targets: [
.target(name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: ["AEPOptimize"],
path: "your/path"),
To generate AEPOptimize.xcframework
, run the following Makefile target from the project root directory:
$ make archive
This generates the xcframework under the build
folder. Drag and drop the .xcframework
to your app target in Xcode.
To install pod dependencies after you clone or download this project, run the following Makefile target from the root directory:
make pod-install
To fetch latest versions of the dependencies, run the following Makefile target from the project root directory:
make pod-update
To open the project workspace in Xcode, click on AEPOptimize.xcworkspace
or run the following Makefile target from the project root directory:
make open
To execute the tests, run the following Makefile target from the project root directory:
make test
Check out the Documentation directory to learn more about the Optimize extension.
Try out this Optimize extension tutorial to retrieve and track Adobe Target offers fetched via Experience Edge network using the provided sample application.
Project | Description |
AEPCore Extensions | The AEPCore extensions provide a common set of functionality and services required by all the Mobile SDK extensions. |
AEPEdge Extension | The AEPEdge extension enables sending data to Adobe Experience Platform from Mobile Apps. |
AEP SDK Sample App for iOS | It contains iOS sample apps, both Objective-C and Swift variants, for the AEP Mobile SDKs. |
Contributions are welcome! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.