RoboNews is a serverless email newsletter that delivers weekly news about AI and LLMs, written by an LLM!
- Uses a LOT of AWS services
- Cloudformation, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, EventBridge, KMS, ECS, Route 53, Cloudfront
- Serverless design
- Subscription page uses S3, Cloudfront, Certificate Manager, and Route 53 to create a serverless website with HTTPS
- One-Click Deployment
- The project includes a deployment script which uses the AWS CLI to push source code to ECS and S3, and then deploys the Cloudformation template
- If I were to do it again I'd probably use CDK instead of the CLI
- A future addition that I decided was out of scope for now is a CI/CD pipeline that automatically deploys changes when they're pushed to origin
- Signed URLs
- Confirm-Email & Unsubscribe buttons use signed URLs so users can only manage their own account
- URLs are encrypted/decrypted with KMS
- Containerized Lambda
- Newsletter is sent by a lambda function in an ECS container
- If I were to do it again I would use S3 and lambda layers tbh
- Lambda is triggered by an EventBridge cron job
- Source code uses a "plugin" architecture making it easy to add news sources and output types
- Gets headlines from RSS feeds, and then summarizes them with Langchain-OpenAI
- Newsletter is sent by a lambda function in an ECS container
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.