This code is the result I achieved for Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree - Project 1: Mockup to Website.
This code has been reviewed by me and evaluated by Udacity's auto-evaluator with a 0% mismatch. According to the rubric used by the Udacity reviewer, this should mean that the code:
- Exceeds specifications: Code passes the auto-evaluator with a mismatch of 1% or less;
- Meets specifications: Portfolio completely separates structure (HTML) from design/style (CSS);
- Meets specifications: Code is formatted with consistent, logical, and easy-to-read formatting as described in the Udacity HTML/CSS style guide. Code passes W3C HTML and CSS validation.
A list of websites, books, forums, blog posts, Github repositories etc. that I have referred to or used int his submission can be found in the references.txt file.
This code is based on the mockup given by Udacity. To achieve a pixel-perfect matchup, I have used the mockup-image as an overlay in my HTML. This is how to set up the overlay:
In the HTML, add this code at the end of the body:
<!-- a diff with an overlay of the mockup, as a reference for the result we want -->
<div class="mockup-overlay">
<img src="images/page-mock.png" alt="mock">
In the CSS, add this rule:
.mockup-overlay {
top: 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
opacity: 0.4;