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Pack expression IDs as single integers or integer arrays (rare) inste…
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grynspan committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 9a3b6ce commit da992cb
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Showing 3 changed files with 138 additions and 58 deletions.
119 changes: 94 additions & 25 deletions Sources/Testing/SourceAttribution/ExpressionID.swift
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Expand Up @@ -11,68 +11,137 @@
/// A type providing unique identifiers for expressions captured during
/// expansion of the `#expect()` and `#require()` macros.
/// In the future, this type may use [`StaticBigInt`](
/// as its source representation rather than a string literal.
/// This type tries to optimize for expressions in shallow syntax trees whose
/// unique identifiers require 64 bits or fewer. Wider unique identifiers are
/// stored as arrays of 64-bit words. In the future, this type may use
/// [`StaticBigInt`](
/// to represent expression identifiers instead.
/// - Warning: This type is used to implement the `#expect()` and `#require()`
/// macros. Do not use it directly.
public struct __ExpressionID: Sendable {
/// The ID of the root node in an expression graph.
static var root: Self {
Self(_elements: .none)

/// The string produced at compile time that encodes the unique identifier of
/// the represented expression.
var stringValue: String
/// An enumeration that attempts to efficiently store the key path elements
/// corresponding to an expression ID.
fileprivate enum Elements: Sendable {
/// This ID does not use any words.
/// This case represents the root node in a syntax tree. An instance of
/// `__ExpressionID` storing this case is implicitly equal to `.root`.
case none

/// The number of bits in a nybble.
private static var _bitsPerNybble: Int { 4 }
/// This ID packs its corresponding key path value into a single word whose
/// value is not `0`.
case packed(_ word: UInt64)

/// This ID contains key path elements that do not fit in a 64-bit integer,
/// so they are not packed and map directly to the represented key path.
indirect case keyPath(_ keyPath: [UInt32])

/// The elements of this identifier.
private var _elements: Elements

/// A representation of this instance suitable for use as a key path in an
/// instance of `Graph` where the key type is `UInt32`.
/// The values in this collection, being swift-syntax node IDs, are never more
/// than 32 bits wide.
var keyPath: some RandomAccessCollection<UInt32> {
let nybbles = stringValue
.compactMap { UInt8(String($0), radix: 16) }

return nybbles
.flatMap { i, nybble in
let nybbleOffset = i * Self._bitsPerNybble
return (0 ..< Self._bitsPerNybble).lazy
.filter { (nybble & (1 << $0)) != 0 }
.map { UInt32(nybbleOffset + $0) }
// Helper function to unpack a sequence of words into bit indices for use as
// a Graph's key path.
func makeKeyPath(from words: some RandomAccessCollection<UInt64>) -> [UInt32] {
// Assume approximately 1/4 of the bits are populated. We can always tweak
// this guesstimate after gathering more real-world data.
var result = [UInt32]()
result.reserveCapacity((words.count * UInt64.bitWidth) / 4)

for (bitOffset, word) in words.enumerated() {
var word = word
while word != 0 {
let bit = word.trailingZeroBitCount
result.append(UInt32(bit + bitOffset))
word = word & (word &- 1) // Mask off the bit we just counted.

return result

switch _elements {
case .none:
return []
case let .packed(word):
// Assume approximately 1/4 of the bits are populated. We can always tweak
// this guesstimate after gathering more real-world data.
var result = [UInt32]()
result.reserveCapacity(UInt64.bitWidth / 4)

var word = word
while word != 0 {
let bit = word.trailingZeroBitCount
word = word & (word &- 1) // Mask off the bit we just counted.

return result
case let .keyPath(keyPath):
return keyPath

// MARK: - Equatable, Hashable

extension __ExpressionID: Equatable, Hashable {}
extension __ExpressionID.Elements: Equatable, Hashable {}

// MARK: - CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible

extension __ExpressionID: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// The number of bits in a nybble.
private static var _bitsPerNybble: Int { 4 }

/// The number of nybbles in a word.
private static var _nybblesPerWord: Int { UInt64.bitWidth / _bitsPerNybble }

public var description: String {
switch _elements {
case .none:
return "0"
case let .packed(word):
return String(word, radix: 16)
case let .keyPath(keyPath):
return keyPath.lazy
.map { String($0, radix: 16) }
.joined(separator: ",")

public var debugDescription: String {
#""\#(stringValue)" → \#(Array(keyPath))"#
#""\#(description)" → \#(Array(keyPath))"#

// MARK: - ExpressibleByStringLiteral
// MARK: - ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral

extension __ExpressionID: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
public init(integerLiteral: UInt64) {
if integerLiteral == 0 {
self.init(_elements: .none)
} else {
self.init(_elements: .packed(integerLiteral))

extension __ExpressionID: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral: String) {
stringValue = stringLiteral
public init(_ keyPath: UInt32...) {
self.init(_elements: .keyPath(keyPath))

10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Sources/TestingMacros/ConditionMacro.swift
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Expand Up @@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ extension ConditionMacro {

// Sort the rewritten nodes. This isn't strictly necessary for
// correctness but it does make the produced code more consistent.
let sortedRewrittenNodes = rewrittenNodes.sorted { $ < $ }
let sourceCodeNodeIDs = sortedRewrittenNodes.compactMap { $0.expressionID(rootedAt: originalArgumentExpr) }
let sourceCodeExprs = { StringLiteralExprSyntax(content: $0.trimmedDescription) }
let sourceCodeExpr = DictionaryExprSyntax {
for (nodeID, sourceCodeExpr) in zip(sourceCodeNodeIDs, sourceCodeExprs) {
DictionaryElementSyntax(key: nodeID, value: sourceCodeExpr)
for node in (rewrittenNodes.sorted { $ < $ }) {
key: node.expressionID(rootedAt: originalArgumentExpr),
value: StringLiteralExprSyntax(content: node.trimmedDescription)
checkArguments.append(Argument(label: "sourceCode", expression: sourceCodeExpr))
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import SwiftSyntax
import SwiftSyntaxBuilder

extension SyntaxProtocol {
/// Get an expression representing the unique ID of this syntax node as well
Expand All @@ -26,21 +27,21 @@ extension SyntaxProtocol {
// rewritten.
var nodeIDChain = sequence(first: Syntax(self), next: \.parent)
.map { $ }

assert(nodeIDChain.sorted() == nodeIDChain.reversed(), "Child node had lower ID than parent node in sequence \(nodeIDChain). Please file a bug report at")
for id in nodeIDChain {
assert(id <= UInt32.max, "Node ID \(id) was not a 32-bit integer. Please file a bug report at")

// The highest ID in the chain determines the number of bits needed, and the
// ID of this node will always be the highest (per the assertion above.)
let maxID = id.indexInTree.toOpaque()
assert(nodeIDChain.contains(maxID), "ID \(maxID) of syntax node '\(self.trimmed)' was not found in its node ID chain \(nodeIDChain). Please file a bug report at")
let expectedMaxID = id.indexInTree.toOpaque()
assert(nodeIDChain.contains(expectedMaxID), "ID \(expectedMaxID) of syntax node '\(self.trimmed)' was not found in its node ID chain \(nodeIDChain). Please file a bug report at")

// Adjust all node IDs downards by the effective root node's ID, then remove
// the effective root node and its ancestors. This allows us to use lower
// bit ranges than we would if we always included those nodes.
Expand All @@ -51,28 +52,38 @@ extension SyntaxProtocol {

// Convert the node IDs in the chain to bits in a bit mask.
let bitsPerWord = UInt64(UInt64.bitWidth)
var words = [UInt64](
repeating: 0,
count: Int(((maxID + 1) + (bitsPerWord - 1)) / bitsPerWord)
for id in nodeIDChain {
let (word, bit) = id.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: bitsPerWord)
words[Int(word)] |= (1 << bit)

// Convert the bits to a hexadecimal string.
let bitsPerNybble = 4
let nybblesPerWord = UInt64.bitWidth / bitsPerNybble
var id: String = { word in
let result = String(word, radix: 16)
return String(repeating: "0", count: nybblesPerWord - result.count) + result

// Drop any redundant leading zeroes from the string literal.
id = String(id.drop { $0 == "0" })
let maxID = nodeIDChain.max() ?? 0
if maxID < UInt64.bitWidth {
// Pack all the node IDs into a single integer value.
var word = UInt64(0)
for id in nodeIDChain {
word |= (1 << id)
let hexWord = "0x\(String(word, radix: 16))"
return ExprSyntax(IntegerLiteralExprSyntax(literal: .integerLiteral(hexWord)))

return ExprSyntax(StringLiteralExprSyntax(content: id))
} else {
// Some ID exceeds what we can fit in a single literal, so just produce an
// array of node IDs instead.
let idExprs = { id in
IntegerLiteralExprSyntax(literal: .integerLiteral("\(id)"))
return ExprSyntax(
calledExpression: TypeExprSyntax(
type: MemberTypeSyntax(
baseType: IdentifierTypeSyntax(name: .identifier("Testing")),
name: .identifier("__ExpressionID")
leftParen: .leftParenToken(),
rightParen: .rightParenToken()
) {
for idExpr in idExprs {
LabeledExprSyntax(expression: idExpr)

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