Wikipedia: STL (an abbreviation of "stereolithography") is a file format native to the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems.
1. This project was aimed at generating 3D object files in the STL format which is compact & portable.
2. These files can be viewed on an STL viewer like: this
3. ref
- CAD.h / CAD.cpp
- Class Shape: This is a pure virtual class that holds various shapes like Cube, Cylinder and more which are inherited from the shape Class.
- Class Cube: an object of this type takes params to make a STL cube.
- Class Cylinder: an object of this type takes params to make a STL cylinder.
- Class SCAD: Takes a Shape object as an input and generates the STL file with the Shape object params that were passed during object instantiation.
- vector.h /vector.cpp This is the geometric vector and thus provides methods you would usually expect to do with a vector (in geometry)
* a.dist(b);
* a.scalar_mul(b);
* a.subVec(b)
* a.addVec(b);
here a and b both are of type vector; can be created like this: