ORCA implementation in UNITY Engine
This simulation only works in the UNITY ENGINE version 2017.3.0f3.
You might need basic knowledge of using UnityEngine if you wish to change the parameters.
All parameters can be changed in the GameObject.
How to launch:
Open the scene files in the folder ORCA_ROS/Assets/Scenes.
Select which scene to run.
There are quite the few scenes I make but the main scenes are in the FYP2 folder.
The main 3 scenes are, 4 vs 4; Human walking scene; and Warehouse scene.
The purpose/aim of this project is to see the performance of ORCA (or RVO2) in a simulated environment.
The algorithm is tested with different types of obstacles through different type of scenario.
The scenes
Deadlock situation (scene 1)
Human obstacle (scene 2)
Warehouse (scene 3)