Under UnityResponder
, start game mode of demo.unity
, then run request.py
Lighting on the sphere will flash with 1 second interval, according to the command "on" or "off" sent from the Python script request.py
. Unity will send back the current state of the light, which request.py
will print.
Under UnityRequester
, run respond.py
, then start game mode of demo.unity
After typing into the input field and hitting enter, the message will be sent to respond.py
and unity will wait for a response for 3 seconds. If there is a response, it will be printed to console.
Commands that the responder takes:
ping: Reply "ping back from server"
gib [object]: Spawns [object] in scene. Currently supports "sphere" and "cube"
sendJSON: Sends a random JSON to be parsed by Python responder
receiveJSON: Request and parse a random JSON from Python responder
The requester is run asynchronously so the UI won't be blocked.
For System.Threading.Tasks
to be accessible, set editor to .NET 4.6
File -> Build Settings -> Player Settings... -> Other Settings -> Scripting Runtime Version -> Experimental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent)