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Repository provides useful samples how Relativity Import API can be utilized.


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Table of Contents


NuGet Libraries
General Import flow description
Example Import flows
API Documentation
API Response
ImportJob & DataSource States
Error Codes

.NET 7 Console Application - How-to
.NET Framework & Kepler Console Application - How-to
Powershell scripts - How-to


The Relativity Import Service API is a Kepler service that provides functionality for importing large numbers of documents, images, and Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) into a Relativity workspace. The import process operates on structured data sets that are described by load file and located in a place accessible for workspace.
The main principle of operation is based on creating managed importing job with a list of data sets (intended for import) assigned to it.

Thanks to RESTful API you are able to easily create import job, configure it and run it. Dataset (containing structured data) that you want to import can be then added as a source to the job. The system will take care of it in the background by adding this source to the queue, scheduling and finally starting the import data to destination workspace, and if necessary, resuming the import process. All that remains for the user is to monitor the status of import and current progress - all using provided API.

Job and data sources configurations allow you to flexibly adjust the import to your needs. In addition, the adopted error handling helps you to identify the source of potential problems.

NOTE: Import Service (Import) is delivered as a RAP application installed in Relativity One.


  1. The following Relativity applications must be installed:

    application name application Guid where installed
    Import 21F65FDC-3016-4F2B-9698-DE151A6186A2 workspace
    DataTransfer.Legacy 9f9d45ff-5dcd-462d-996d-b9033ea8cfce instance
  2. Appropriate user permissions need to be set.

  3. Data set - load files, source files (native documents, images, text files) - need to be placed in the destination fileshare location accessible to workspace.

  4. The following packages need to be installed in client application: NOTE: Required only when Kepler .NET client is used.


Data importing - Functionality that makes that structured data set are uploaded into destination workspace.

Dataset - Structured data containing metadata, native documents, images, text files described by load file or opticon file. Such a dataset can be pointed during data source configuration and MUST be located in place accessible for workspace.

ImportJob - It is the main object in import service taking part in import flow. It represents single import entity described by its configuration which decides about import behavior e.g. import type, overlay mode, fields mapping, etc.
In addition, ImportJob object holds the information about its current state and import progress. Import jobs aggregates dataSources - single import job can consists of many sources.

DataSource - It is an object that corresponds to single set of data to be imported. Each data source has own configuration that indicates the physical location of data set (load file). Data set configuration affects also how data in load file are read. In addition, data source stores the information about current state and import progress of particular source.

Kepler service - API service created but using the Relativity Kepler framework. This framework provides you with the ability to build custom REST Endpoints via a .NET interface. Additionally, the Kepler framework includes a client proxy that you can use when interacting with the services through .NET. See more information

Item Error - An error that may occur during the import process and concerns only one imported record from the load file. A common reason of these errors are data validation or already existing records in the workspace.

Getting Started

Import Service is built as a standard Relativity Kepler Service. It provides sets of endpoints that must be called sequentially in order to execute import. The following sections outline how to make calls to import service.

HTTP clients

You can make calls to a import service using any standard REST or HTTP client, because all APIs (Keplers APIs) are exposed over the HTTP protocol. You need to set the required X-CSRF-Header. more details

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-CSRF-Header", "-");

    createImportJobUri = $"{host}/Relativity.REST/api/import.service/v1....
    var response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(createImportJobUri, payload);

In case of using .NET client the Relativity.Import.Models.SDK package containing contract models would be used.

Please look at dedicated code samples for .NET 7 or for PowerShell scripts.

Kepler .NET client

You can access Kepler service from any .NET language using the client library provided as part of the Kepler framework. It exposes a factory class that you can use to create the client proxy by passing URIs to import services and credentials. Then use .NET proxy to interact with a import service as a set of .NET objects. When you call a member method, the proxy makes a corresponding HTTP request to the respective service endpoint. more details

Kepler contract for import service are exposed in Relativity.Import.SDK package.

    using (Relativity.Import.V1.Services.IImportJobController importJobController =_serviceFactory.CreateProxy<Relativity.Import.V1.Services.IImportJobController>())
        // Create import job.
        Response response = await importJobController.CreateAsync(
            importJobID: importId,
            workspaceID: workspaceId,
            applicationName: "Import-service-sample-app",
            correlationID: "Sample-job-0001");

Please look at dedicated code samples for .NET 4.6.2 with Kepler.


Relativity.Import.SDK is a .NET library that contains kepler interfaces for import service. It provides and simplifies executing import in client application. Relativity.Import.SDK targets .NET Framework 4.6.2

NOTE: Use this package when your application USE Kepler.

Version Downloads

Installing via NuGet

    Install-Package Relativity.Import.SDK 


Relativity.Import.Models.SDK is a .NET library that contains contract models for API and builders which help user to prepare payloads in correct and consistent way. Relativity.Import.Models.SDK targets .NET Standard 2.0. The NuGet package also includes direct targets for .NET Framework 4.6.2.

NOTE: This package is automatically installed as dependency when using Relativity.Import.SDK.

NOTE: You can install this package directly when your application does not use Kepler.

Version Downloads

Installing via NuGet

    Install-Package Relativity.Import.Models.SDK


HTTP clients

Import Service API conforms to the same authentication rules as other Relativity REST APIs.

The more details can be found under the following link: REST_API_authentication

Kepler .NET client

The Kepler framework uses a proxy to handle client requests. The more details can be found under the following link: Proxies_and_authentication


The following Relativity permissions are required to use import features provided in Import Service API.

Object Security section Permission
• Document View, Add, Edit
• Relativity Import Job: View, Add, Edit
• Relativity Import Data Source View, Add, Edit
Tab Visibility
• Documents
Admin Operation
• Allow Import


Builders provided in Relativity.Import.Models.SDK package help to create settings for import job and data source in correct and consistent way. It is highly recommended to prepare these objects in such a way in .NET application. They are implemented in fluent api pattern so it is very easy to use them. Moreover, using them in client application will avoid the risk of incorrect and inconsistent configuration which may lead to errors during import process.

ImportDocumentsSettingsBuilder - builds ImportDocumentsSettings used for import job configuration (documents import).

ImportRdoSettingsBuilder - builds ImportRdoSettings used for import job configuration (rdos import).

DataSourceSettingsBuilder - builds DataSourceSettings used for data source configuration.


// Example of using ImportDocumentSettingsBuilder to create ImportDocumentSettings.

    .WithOverlayMode(x => x
    .WithNatives(x => x
    .WithFieldsMapped(x => x
        .WithField(controlNumberColumnIndex, "Control Number")
        .WithExtractedTextField(extractedTextPathColumnIndex, e => e
            .WithExtractedTextInSeparateFiles(f => f
    .WithFolders(f => f
        .WithRootFolderID(rootFolderId, r => r


// Example of using DataSourceSettingsBuilder to create DataSourceSettings.

DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = DataSourceSettingsBuilder.Create()
    .WithDelimiters(d => d

NOTE: Please review the samples to find more about builders.

General Import flow description

The general flow includes several steps consisted in sending appropriate HTTP requests.

  1. Create Import Job

    Creates import job entity in particular workspace. Job is defined by its unique Id generated by user and provided in the request which is used in the next steps.

  2. Configure Import Job

    Configures existing import job by defining sets of significant parameters including import type, its mode, fields mapping. This step covers two configuration options:

    • Documents Configuration

    • Rdos Configuration.

  3. Add one or multiple DataSources

    Creating data source entity or entities for particular import job. It represents the configuration that corresponds to dataset being imported. Data source is identified by its unique Id generated by user and provided in the request. Data source configuration includes path to “load file” and other significant parameters telling how data in load file will be read and interpreted by system.

    Many data sources can be added to the same import job. Data sources can be added both before job is started and after, so user can add additional sources to running importJob.

  4. Begin Job
    Starts Import Job which enables the process that schedules importing data to workspace based on the configuration assigned in previous steps. Started job does not mean that data are instantly imported. However DataSources are added to the queue and scheduled by background mechanism. The import Job state or data source state shows the current stage.

  5. Cancel Job User can cancel running Import Job in every moment. All related data sources will not be imported except for those whose import has already started.

  6. End Import Job Ends import job that was already started. It is optional step but it is highly recommended in case when no more data source is plan to be added for particular job. All data sources added to the job before the end request was sent will be imported.

Example of Simple Import Documents Flow

  1. Create Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/e694ad62-198d-4ecb-936d-1862ddfa4235'
    -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
    -d '{
    "applicationName": "simpleImportDocuments",
    "correlationID": "c0r31ati0n_ID"

  1. Create Import Job Configuration


     curl -X POST \'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/e694ad62-198d-4ecb-936d-1862ddfa4235/documents-configurations/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d "$importSettingsPayloadJson"

    Import Configuration payload example:


     "importSettings": {
             "FilePathColumnIndex": "22",
             "FileNameColumnIndex": "13"
         "Image": null,
         "Fields": {
             "FieldMappings": [
                 "ColumnIndex": 0,
                 "Field": "Control Number",
                 "ContainsID": false,
                 "ContainsFilePath": false
         "Folder": {
             "RootFolderID": 1003663,
             "FolderPathColumnIndex": 2

    C# Builders

     ImportDocumentSettings importSettings = ImportDocumentSettingsBuilder.Create()
         .WithNatives(x => x
         .WithFieldsMapped(x => x
             .WithField(controlNumberColumnIndex, "Control Number")
         .WithFolders(f => f
             .WithRootFolderID(rootFolderId, r => r


     ImportDocumentSettings importSettings = new ImportDocumentSettings()
         Overlay = null,
         Native = new NativeSettings
             FileNameColumnIndex = fileNameColumnIndex,
             FilePathColumnIndex = filePathColumnIndex,
         Fields = new FieldsSettings
             FieldMappings = new[]
                 new FieldMapping
                     Field = "Control Number",
                     ContainsID = false,
                     ColumnIndex = 0,
                     ContainsFilePath = false,
         Folder = new FolderSettings
             FolderPathColumnIndex = folderPathColumnIndex,
             RootFolderID = 1003663,
         Other = null,

  1. Add DataSource


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/e694ad62-198d-4ecb-936d-1862ddfa4235/sources/0cb922a2-8df4-42fd-9429-c241410a0d1e'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
     -d "$dataSourceSettingsJson"

    Data source configuration payload example:


     "dataSourceSettings": {
         "Path": "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\load_file.dat",
         "FirstLineContainsColumnNames": true,
         "StartLine": 1,
         "ColumnDelimiter": "|",
         "QuoteDelimiter": "^",
         "NewLineDelimiter": "#",
         "MultiValueDelimiter": ";",
         "NestedValueDelimiter": "&",
         "EndOfLine" = 0
          Encoding" = null
         "CultureInfo" : "en-US",
         "Type": 2

    C# builders

     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = DataSourceSettingsBuilder.Create()
     		.WithDelimiters(d => d


     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new DataSourceSettings
     		Type = DataSourceType.LoadFile,
     		Path = "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\load_file.dat",
     		NewLineDelimiter = '#',
     		ColumnDelimiter = '|',
     		QuoteDelimiter = '^',
     		MultiValueDelimiter = ';',
     		NestedValueDelimiter = '&',
     		Encoding = null,
     		CultureInfo = "en-us",
     		EndOfLine = DataSourceEndOfLine.Windows,
     		FirstLineContainsColumnNames = true,
     		StartLine = 0,

  1. Begin Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/e694ad62-198d-4ecb-936d-1862ddfa4235/begin/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''

  1. End Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/e694ad62-198d-4ecb-936d-1862ddfa4235/end/'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''

Example of Simple Import Images Flow

  1. Create Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d '{
     "applicationName": "simpleImportImages",
     "correlationID": "img0r22ati0n_ID"
  2. Create Import Job Configuration


     curl -X POST \'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/documents-configurations/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d "$importSettings"

    Import Configuration payload example:


     "importSettings": {
             "PageNumbering": 1,
             "ProductionID": null,
             "LoadExtractedText": false,
             "FileType": 0    
         "Fields": null,
         "Folder": null

    C# Builder

     ImportDocumentSettings importSettings = ImportDocumentSettingsBuilder.Create()
         .WithImages(i => i
  3. Add DataSource


         curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/sources/0cb922a2-8df4-42fd-9429-c241410a0002'
         -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
         -d "$dataSourceSettingsJson"


     "dataSourceSettings": {
         "Path": "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\opticon_file.opt",
         "FirstLineContainsColumnNames": false,
         "StartLine": 0;
         "EndOfLine" = 0
          Encoding" = null
         "CultureInfo" : null,
         "Type": 1

    C# Builders

     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = DataSourceSettingsBuilder.Create()


     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new DataSourceSettings
     		Type = DataSourceType.Opticon,
     		Path = "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\opticon_file.opt",
     		NewLineDelimiter = default,
     		ColumnDelimiter = default,
     		QuoteDelimiter = default,
     		MultiValueDelimiter = default,
     		NestedValueDelimiter = default,
     		Encoding = null,
     		CultureInfo = null,
     		EndOfLine = DataSourceEndOfLine.Windows,
     		FirstLineContainsColumnNames = false,
     		StartLine = 0,

  1. Begin Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/begin/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''
  2. End Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/end/'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''

Example of Simple Import Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDO) Flow

  1. Create Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/77140fb9-f515-4b65-a2ce-c347492e2905/'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d '{
     "applicationName": "simpleImportRdo",
     "correlationID": "rdor31ati0n_ID"
  2. Create Import Job Configuration


     curl -X POST \'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/77140fb9-f515-4b65-a2ce-c347492e2905/rdo-configurations/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d $"importRdoSettings"'

    Import RDO Configuration payload example:


         "importSettings": {
             "OverwriteMode": "Append",
             "Fields": {
             "FieldMappings": [
                 "ColumnIndex": 0,
                 "Field": "Name"
             "Rdo": {
                 "ArtifactTypeID": 1000066,
                 "ParentColumnIndex" :null

    C# Builder

     ImportRdoSettings importSettings = ImportRdoSettingsBuilder.Create()
         .WithFieldsMapped(f => f
             .WithField(nameColumnIndex, "Name")
         .WithRdo(r => r


     ImportRdoSettings importSettings = new ImportRdoSettings()
         Overlay = null,
         Fields = new FieldsSettings
             FieldMappings = new[]
                 new FieldMapping
                     Field = "Name",
                     ContainsID = false,
                     ColumnIndex = nameColumnIndex,
                     ContainsFilePath = false,
         Rdo = new RdoSettings
             ArtifactTypeID = rdoArtifactTypeID,
             ParentColumnIndex = null,
  3. Add DataSource


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/4c4215bf-d8a3-48d4-a3e0-3a40428415e7/sources/0cb922a2-8df4-42fd-9429-c241410a0002'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
     -d "$dataSourceSettingsJson"

    Data source configuration payload example:


     "dataSourceSettings": {
         "Path": "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\load_file.dat",
         "FirstLineContainsColumnNames": true,
         "StartLine": 1,
         "ColumnDelimiter": "|",
         "QuoteDelimiter": "^",
         "NewLineDelimiter": "#",
         "MultiValueDelimiter": ";",
         "NestedValueDelimiter": "&",
         "EndOfLine" = 0
         Encoding" = null
         "CultureInfo" : "en-US",
         "Type": 2

    C# builder

     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = DataSourceSettingsBuilder.Create()
     		.WithDelimiters(d => d


     	DataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new DataSourceSettings
     		Type = DataSourceType.LoadFile,
     		Path = "C:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\load_file.dat",
     		NewLineDelimiter = '#',
     		ColumnDelimiter = '|',
     		QuoteDelimiter = '^',
     		MultiValueDelimiter = ';',
     		NestedValueDelimiter = '&',
     		Encoding = null,
     		CultureInfo = "en-us",
     		EndOfLine = DataSourceEndOfLine.Windows,
     		FirstLineContainsColumnNames = true,
     		StartLine = 0,
  4. Begin Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/77140fb9-f515-4b65-a2ce-c347492e2905/begin/' 
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''
  5. End Import Job


     curl -X POST 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/77140fb9-f515-4b65-a2ce-c347492e2905/end/'
     -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -' 
     -d ''


Review the open API spec for import service: OpenAPI spec

API Response

Each HTTP response to POST request has unified schema:

    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorMessage": "",
    "ErrorCode": "",
    "ImportJobID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Each HTTP response to GET requests has unified schema:

    "Value": {
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorMessage": "",
    "ErrorCode": "",
    "ImportJobID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Import Job States

Import job state can be read from GET Import Job details response


curl -X GET 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/ca04baf0-4a1a-4787-94d8-5bba89d2eb0f/details' 
-H 'X-CSRF-Header: -'

response JSON

    "Value": {
        "IsFinished": false,
        "State": "New",
        "ApplicationName": "import demo",
        "Errors": [],
        "CreatedBy": 9,
        "CreatedOn": "2023-01-11T13:47:45.513",
        "LastModifiedBy": 9,
        "LastModifiedOn": "2023-01-11T13:47:45.513"
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorMessage": "",
    "ErrorCode": "",
    "ImportJobID": "ca04baf0-4a1a-4787-94d8-5bba89d2eb0f"
value State Description
10 New Initial state, job created.
13 Configured Job has been configured and is ready to begin.
16 InvalidConfiguration Job has been configured but the configuration is invalid.
20 Idle Job is ready for running but is waiting on new data source or all data source has been processed.
22 Scheduled Job is ready waiting on queue to begin the process of import.
25 Inserting Job is executing, import of data source is currently in progress.
26 PendingCompletion_Scheduled Job is ended but data source is still waiting on queue to begin the process of import.
27 PendingCompletion_Inserting Job is ended but the import of data source is currently in progress.
29 Paused Job is paused and waiting.
30 Canceled Job canceled.
40 Failed Job has failed to import data.
50 Completed Job has ended with success.

Import Data Source States

Data source state can be read from GET Data source details response


curl -X GET 'https://relativity-host/Relativity.REST/api/import-service/v1/workspaces/10000/import-jobs/ca04baf0-4a1a-4787-94d8-5bba89d2eb0f/sources/40ddb007-4330-41cc-b5aa-2ea6961073a5/details' 
-H 'X-CSRF-Header: -'

response JSON

        "Value": {
            "State": "New",
            "DataSourceSettings": {
            "JobLevelErrors": []
        "IsSuccess": true,
        "ErrorMessage": "",
        "ErrorCode": "",
        "ImportJobID": "ca04baf0-4a1a-4787-94d8-5bba89d2eb0f"
Value State Description
0 Unknown Invalid state for a data source.
10 New Initial state, data source was created.
22 Scheduled Data source is waiting on queue to begin the process of import.
24 PendingInserting Data source has been sent to Worker to begin the import.
25 Inserting Data source is currently in progress of processing.
30 Canceled Data source canceled.
40 Failed Failed to import data from Data source.
45 CompletedWithItemErrors Data source processed, import finished with item errors.
50 Completed Data source processed, import finished.

Error Codes

Error handling in Import Service returns Error Codes and Error Messages:

  • in every response for failed HTTP request
  • when requested by user for all item errors that occurred during importing of particular data source e.g.:


    curl -X GET ''
    -H 'accept: application/json' 
    -H 'X-CSRF-Header: -'

JSON response

"Value": {
    "DataSourceID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "Errors": [
        "ErrorDetails": [
            "ColumnIndex": 1,
            "ErrorCode": "S.LN.INT.0001",
            "ErrorMessage": "Error message.",
            "ErrorMessageTemplate": "Template error message.",
            "ErrorProperties": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
        "LineNumber": 1
    "TotalCount": 1,
    "NumberOfSkippedRecords": 0,
    "NumberOfRecords": 1,
    "HasMoreRecords": false
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"ErrorCode": "",
"ImportJobID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Error code structure

Error code returned from the Import Service API endpoint has the following structure:



Error code Description
J.CR.VLD.1501 Cannot create job because validation has failed.


Resource code Description
J Job
C Document Configuration
S Source
E ItemErrors
R RDO Configuration


Action code Description
BEG Begin
CR Create
CNL Cancel
GET_COL Get columns
GET_CFG Get config
GET_DAT Get data
GET_DTLS Get details
GET_PRG Get progress
LN Line
PS Pause
RD Read
RES Resume

Error Types

Error type code Description
INT Internal service error
EXT External dependency error
VLD Validation error

Error Numbers

Error number has 4 digits. Digits on the first and on the second position has the special meaning.

Meaning of the first digit is the same for all error types.

Resource code Description
0XXX General error
1XXX Job related error
2XXX Configuration related error
3XXX Source related error
4XXX ItemErrors related error

Meaning of the second digit differs for each error type.

Error Type Resource code Description
INT X[0-9]XX Service errors
EXT X[0-9]XX Runtime errors
VLD X0XX Invalid input data
VLD X5XX System state does not allow to execute request
VLD X6XX Data in the system does not exist
VLD X7XX Data in the system is incorrect
VLD X9XX Data in the system is corrupted


Samples types and structure

There are three types of sample application that demonstrate the use of Import Service API features.

  • .Net7ConsoleClient - .NET console application (.NET 7, C#).
  • KeplerClientConsole - .NET console application (.NET Framework 4.6.2, Kepler client, C#).
  • REST client - Powershell scripts.

Examples structure:

  • Each code example for particular import flow is contained in separate file (e.g. Sample04_AddDataSourceToRunningJob.cs).
  • Each sample is numbered. Number of sample is included in file and class name.
  • The individual samples for each application are consistent. For instance Sample_08 in Net7ConsoleClient presents the same import flow as in KeplerClientConsole and in PS scripts.
  • Sample code contains accurate comments describing the flow.
  • Expected console result of demonstrated sample flow is included at the end of the file.
  • Repository with samples contains also structured data set used in all examples - load files, opticon files, folders structure with native files, images, text files.

List of samples:

Sample name .Net with Kepler .NET 7 PowerShell
Sample01_ImportNativeFiles Sample01 Sample01 Sample01
Sample02_ImportDocumentsInOverlayMode Sample02 Sample02 Sample02
Sample03_ImportFromTwoDataSources Sample03 Sample03 Sample03
Sample04_AddDataSourceToRunningJob Sample04 Sample04 Sample04
Sample05_ImportDocumentsWithExtractedText Sample05 Sample05 Sample05
Sample06_ImportDocumentsToSelectedFolder Sample06 Sample06 Sample06
Sample07_DirectImportSettingsForDocuments.cs Sample07 Sample07 Sample07
Sample08_ImportImages Sample08 Sample08 Sample08
Sample09_ImportProductionFiles Sample09 Sample09 Sample09
Sample10_ImportImagesInAppendOverlayMode Sample10 Sample10 Sample10
Sample11_DirectImportSettingsForImages Sample11 Sample11 Sample11
Sample12_ImportRelativityDynamicObject Sample12 Sample12 Sample12
Sample13_ImportRdoWithParent Sample13 Sample13 Sample13
Sample14_DirectImportSettingsForRdo Sample14 Sample14 Sample14
Sample15_ReadImportRdoSettings Sample15 Sample15 Sample15
Sample16_ReadImportDocumentSettings Sample16 Sample16 Sample16
Sample17_GetImportJobs Sample17 Sample17 Sample17
Sample18_GetDataSource Sample18 Sample18 Sample18
Sample19_GetImportJobDetailsAndProgress Sample19 Sample19 Sample19
Sample20_GetDataSourceDetailsAndProgress Sample20 Sample20 Sample20
Sample21_CancelStartedJob Sample21 Sample21 Sample21_
Sample22_ReadResponse Sample22 Sample22 Sample22
Sample23_GetDataSourceErrors Sample23 Sample23 Sample23

.NET 7 Code Samples - How to

To run a sample code:

  • Copy the content of sample dataset to your Relativity fileshare.

  • Uncomment line with sample invocation you want to run in Main method.

         // await sampleCollection.Sample08_ImportImages();
         // await sampleCollection.Sample09_ImportProductionFiles();
         await sampleCollection.Sample10_ImportImagesInAppendOverlayMode();
  • Set the proper credentials and URI of your Relativity instance in RelativityUserSettings helper class.

     public class RelativityUserSettings
         public const string BaseAddress = "https://host/Relativity.REST/";
         public const string UserName = "[email protected]";
         public const string Password = "password!";
  • Update workspaceId const to the proper value equals Id of the workspace where you intend to import data. It is required in each sample.

     // destination workspace artifact Id.
     const int workspaceId = 1000000;
  • Update other Ids related to your workspace - productionSetsArtifactId , rootFolderId,rdoArtifactTypeID. They are required only by specific samples.

  • Update const which defines the path to the load file (e.g. const string loadFile01Path) according to the location where you copied sample data.

     	// Path to the file in opticon format used in data source settings.
     	const string opticonFilePath = "X:\\DefaultFileRepository\\samples\\opticon_01.opt";
  • Run application

KeplerClient Code Samples - How to

To run a sample code:

  • Copy the content of sample dataset to your Relativity fileshare.

  • Uncomment line with sample invocation you want to run in Main method.

  • Set the proper credentials and host address of your Relativity instance in RelativityUserSettings helper class.

     public static class RelativityUserSettings
     public const string HostAddress = "https://host-address";
     public const string UserName = "[email protected]";
     public const string Password = "password!";
  • Update workspaceId const to the proper value equal Id of the workspace where you intend to import data. It is required in each sample.

  • Update other Ids related to your workspace - productionSetsArtifactId , rootFolderId,rdoArtifactTypeID. They are required only by specific samples.

  • Update const which defines the path to the load file (e.g. const string loadFile01Path) according to the location where you copied sample data.

  • Run application

Powershell Script Samples - How to

To run a sample code:

  • Install Powershell "Pester" Module (ver. >= 5.3.3)

     Find-Module -Name "Pester" | Install-Module -Force;
  • Copy the content of sample dataset to your Relativity fileshare.

  • Uncomment line with sample invocation you want to run in run-sample-Import.ps1.

      Describe "Sample import" {
      . "$global:rootDir\SamplesCollection\sample01-import-native-files.ps1"
      # . "$global:rootDir\SamplesCollection\sample02-import-documents-in-overlay-mode.ps1"
  • Set the proper credentials and host address of your Relativity instance in "run-sample-Import.ps1".

     $hostAddress = "https://sample-host/"
     $userName = "sample@username"
     $password = "password!"
  • Update workspaceId to the proper value equal Id of the workspace where you intend to import data. It is required in each sample.

  • Update variable which defines the path to the load file/opticon file (e.g. $opticonFilePath) according to the location where you copied sample data.

      $workspaceId = 1000000
      $loadFilePath = "C:\DefaultFileRepository\samples\load_file_01.dat"
  • Update other Ids related to your workspace - productionSetsArtifactId , rootFolderId,rdoArtifactTypeID. They are required only by specific samples.

  • Invoke run-sample-import.ps1


Repository provides useful samples how Relativity Import API can be utilized.







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