An Android application for exploring the city of Seattle, WA.
This project uses the following libraries:
To build, install and run a debug version, run this from the root of the project:
./gradlew installRunDebug
For Android Studio to use syntax highlighting for Automated tests and Unit tests you must switch the Build Variant to the desired mode.
To run pmd, checkstyle and findbug checks on your machine:
./gradlew check
To run unit tests on your machine:
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
To run automated tests on connected devices:
./gradlew spoon. Results will be stored at [REPO]\app\build\spoon\[build]\index.html
Thanks to the following for use of icons off of Noun Project:
Map Marker outline - "Map Marker by Lee Mette from the Noun Project" Fremont Troll -, Rain Photo by Gabriele Diwald on Unsplash