- Description
- Installation
- Services
- Entity Relation Diagram
- High Level Architecture Diagram
- Features
- API Scopes
- Contact
Welcome to Work-From-Office Request and Confirmation App!
This application is designed to facilitate work-from-office (WFO) requests and confirmations for companies operating under new normal Covid-19 safety protocols. It was developed to help employees stay connected with their colleagues and maintain a sense of community while adhering to new safety guidelines.
This repository was created as a learning resource for building backend applications using microservice architecture and containerized REST and gRPC services written in Go. During the development of this application, a number of challenges were encountered, such as implementing queries that join data across multiple databases and enforcing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in distributed services. These challenges were addressed through careful design and development, and the resulting application serves as an excellent example of how to implement a robust and scalable backend architecture.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/szczynk/grpc-micro-safety.git
You should have Docker installed beforehand.
is included on every services and main folder if you want to change env.
For default env, you just need to execute docker-compose
command in the Makefile
To create and start required containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
Then start every services
cd grpc-gateway && make run
cd auth && make run
cd user && make run
cd mail && make run
cd safety && make run
Open the following url in the browser for API documentation (development env)
if you done then stop every services and remove containers by using
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml down
and ctrl-c
To create and start required containers
docker-compose up -d
That's great. Now we can use the backend at
Open the following url in the browser for API documentation (development env)
if you done then stop and remove containers by using
docker-compose down
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin123
Assuming in development env. Below are list of services:
auth, check this link for healthcheck
user, check this link for healthcheck
safety, check this link for healthcheck
Username: [email protected] Password: admin
Username: minio Password: minio-secret
Username: admin Password: admin
Username: admin Password: admin
Username: admin Password: admin
Username: admin Password: admin
Username: admin Password: admin
- SQL database using PostgreSQL With GORM as ORM
- Distributed Server Side Caching using Redis
- Distributed Messaging Broker using Kafka
- S3 Bucket using Minio
- SMTP Testing for sending and receiving email using MailHog
- Distributed Tracing using Jaeger and grpc_opentracing
- Monitoring, Alert, and Analytics using Prometheus, grpc_prometheus, and Grafana
- gRPC Services using gRPC and grpc-go
- gRPC to RESTful HTTP API using grpc-gateway and
- gRPC Middleware using go-grpc-middleware
- API Documentation using Swagger UI, and
- Message Validators using grpc_validator and protoc-gen-validate
- Authentication using PASETO v2
- Authorization and RBAC using Casbin as a Service (CaaS)
- Logging using Zap and grpc_zap
- Error and Panic Handling in
and grpc_recovery - IP based Rate Limiter using limiter
- CORS enabled in gateway service using cors
- Containerized App using Docker
- Multi-Container Deployment using Docker Compose
- Version Control using Git and Github
Entity Relation Diagram for this app shown in the picture below
High Level Architecture Diagram for this app shown in the picture below
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
POST | /auth/register | - | - | username, email, password | No | user | Register a new user |
POST | /auth/login | - | - | email, password | No | user, admin | login user and get access token & refresh token |
GET | /auth/verify-email/ | code | - | - | No | user, admin | Verify user's email by email |
POST | /auth/forgot-password | - | - | No | user, admin | Send reset password token by email | |
POST | /auth/reset-password | resetToken | - | password | No | user, admin | Reset Password using reset token |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /auth/me | - | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Get user's profile data that is currently logged in |
PATCH | /auth/me | - | - | username, avatar | Yes | user, admin | update user's profile data |
POST | /auth/change-email | - | - | Yes | user, admin | change user's email | |
POST | /auth/refresh-token | - | - | refreshToken | Yes | user, admin | Renew access token |
POST | /auth/logout | - | - | refreshToken | Yes | user, admin | Logout and delete refresh token |
GET | /users | - | username, email, role, verified, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | admin | Find lisf of users |
POST | /users | - | - | username, email, password, role, avatar, verified | Yes | admin | Create a new user by admin |
GET | /users/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Find user by user's id |
PATCH | /users/ | id | - | username, email, password, role, avatar, verified | Yes | admin | Edit user's data by user's id |
DELETE | /users/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a user by user's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /offices | - | name, detail, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | user, admin | Find list of offices |
POST | /offices | - | - | name, detail | Yes | admin | Create a new office by admin |
GET | /offices/ | id | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Find office by office's id |
PATCH | /offices/ | id | - | name, detail | Yes | admin | Edit office's data by office's id |
DELETE | /offices/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a office by office's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /workspaces | - | username, email, role, verified, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | admin | Find list of users in the office |
POST | /workspaces | - | - | officeId, userId | Yes | admin | Insert a user into the office |
DELETE | /workspaces/ | userId | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a user in the office by user's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /schedules | - | officeId, month, year, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | user, admin | Find list of schedules for WFO |
POST | /schedules | - | - | officeId, totalCapacity, month, year | Yes | admin | Create a new schedule for a month by admin |
GET | /schedules/ | id | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Find schedule by schedule's id |
PATCH | /schedules/ | id | - | totalCapacity | Yes | admin | Edit schedule's total capacity by schedule's id |
DELETE | /schedules/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a schedule by schedule's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /certificates | - | userId, status, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | user, admin | Find list of user's vaccine certificates |
POST | /certificates | - | - | userId, dose, description, imageUrl | Yes | user, admin | Insert a vaccince certificate by user |
GET | /certificates/ | id | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Find certificate by certificate's id |
PATCH | /certificates/ | id | - | description, imageUrl, adminUsername, status, statusInfo | Yes | user, admin | Edit certificate's data by certificate's id |
DELETE | /certificates/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a certificate by certificate's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /attendances | - | userId, scheduleId, adminUsername, status, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | user, admin | Find list of attendances |
POST | /attendances | - | - | userId, scheduleId, description, imageUrl | Yes | user, admin | Create a new WFO request by user |
GET | /attendances/ | id | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Find attendance by attendance's id |
PATCH | /attendances/ | id | - | scheduleId, adminUsername, status, statusInfo | Yes | admin | Edit attendance's status by attendance's id |
DELETE | /attendances/ | id | - | - | Yes | admin | Delete a attendance by attendance's id |
Method | Endpoint | Path Param | Query Param | Request Body | JWT Token | Role | Fungsi |
GET | /checks | - | userId, scheduleId, page, limit, sort | - | Yes | user, admin | Find list of checks |
GET | /checks/ | attendanceId | - | - | Yes | user, admin | Find check by attendance's id |
PATCH | /check-in | attendanceId | - | temperature | Yes | user, admin | check-in on scheduled WFO request |
PATCH | /checks-out | - | - | - | Yes | user, admin | check-out after scheduled WFO request |
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