Web version for desktops.
- Docker Desktop.
- Access tokens for
$ alias run=./Taskfile
$ run setup
$ run wait-for-it -q -w localhost:3000 -- open http://localhost:3000/ &
$ run start # or `run dev`
You can update tokens by the following commands
$ run set_auth0
$ run set_fontawesome_token
$ run set_github_token
$ run set_graphite_token
$ run set_sentry_token
$ run set_vercel_token
You could use a local environment, but it's not deterministic
$ npm ci --ignore-scripts --include=dev
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
$ run wait-for-it -q -w localhost:3000 -- open http://localhost:3000/ &
$ npm run start
You could use Docker CLI to build a deterministic environment
$ run install [--from-scratch]
$ run dev
$ run build [--from-scratch]
$ run start [--from-scratch]
$ run wait-for-it -q -w localhost:3000 -- open http://localhost:3000/ &
$ run start
$ run npm ci --ignore-scripts --include=dev
$ run npm ...
You could use Docker CLI to build an isolated environment
$ run build docker [--from-scratch]
$ run start docker [--from-scratch]
$ run wait-for-it -q -w localhost:3000 -- open http://localhost:3000/ &
$ run start docker
$ run refresh
$ run tools install
$ run gh help
$ run @workflows
$ run gt --help
$ run sentry --help
$ run vercel help
$ run @deployments clean
You can avoid using the token parameter when working with these commands, it's substituted automatically under the hood.
$ run deploy
$ run deploy prod
Vercel shows inconsistent state of dependencies
You can drop Vercel's cache by running:
$ run vercel --force
Font Awesome has failed builds after version update
Check fontawesome-common-types
, it must be exactly one.
$ npm list | grep fortawesome
# if not, do the following
$ npm update
See, the issue.
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made with ❤️ for everyone by OctoLab