- This repository contains an archive of interim Tahoma2D builds (a.k.a. nightlies).
- New nightlies are generated every time changes are merged directly into Tahoma2D's main branch
- Source for these builds can be found at https://github.com/tahoma2d/tahoma2d
- macOS users: Nightlies requires OSX 10.15 (Catalina) or later to use.
- The nightlies can be used for regession testing as well as an interim release.
- Use of these nightlies is at user's own risk.
- Please report any issues you may find with a nightly in the main repo.
- These builds may have slight differences from the official Release builds since they are built by Github Actions and not on the same servers the Release builds are created on.
- While we try to ensure the software environments are the same, there are some differences which can cause a different behavior from the official Release.