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Tailscale 1.18

Denton Gentry edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 5 revisions

Platform independent

  • Improve UPnP discovery; eero devices now work, allowing a port to be opened for direct connections (also in 1.16.2)
  • If unable to upload telemetry, limit amount buffered to 50MB
  • Retry more transient DNS errors, instead of passing the failure back to the client


  • Support storing Tailscale state using AWS SSM (ex: tailscaled -state arn:aws:ssm:eu-west-1:123456789:parameter/foo) (thank you Maxime VISONNEAU)
  • use AF_NETLINK messages to configure IP, not the ip command.
  • if resolvconf wrote /etc/resolv.conf but pointed it to systemd-resolved, use systemd-resolved for DNS not resolvconf
  • if NetworkManager wrote /etc/resolv.conf but pointed it to systemd-resolved, use systemd-resolved for DNS not NetworkManager
  • handle /etc/resolv.conf being a bind mount into a container, such that we cannot rename() it.


  • on iOS 15+, where Network Extensions have more memory available, allow the same number of DNS-over-HTTPS requests in flight as other platforms


  • only use AmbientCaps on DSM7+
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