This repository provides sample applications to demonstrate usage of Tebako.
Right now there is only one sample.
Running in standalone mode:
$ cd sinatra
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec ruby app.rb
This launches a Sinatra server that responds at:
Install Tebako according to the Tebako README.
Run this:
tebako press -e app.rb -o sample.tebako -r sinatra
Please do not package "in-place" like: tebako press -e app.rb -o sinatra.tebako -r ./ Tebako includes all files starting from the root folder into package and packaging "in-place" will force endless recursive inclusion of the package into itself. |
Packaging for Ubuntu and Alpine Linux employs Tebako Docker containers available through
There are no prerequisites for using these containers.
Packaging from inside the container:
tebako press -e app.rb -o sinatra.teb -r sinatra -R 3.3.7
Packaging from outside the container for Ubuntu:
docker run -v $PWD:/mnt/w -t \
tebako press --root=/mnt/w/sinatra --entry-point=app.rb \
--output=/mnt/w/sinatra.tebako --Ruby=3.3.7 --patchelf
This command:
mounts current directory to
packages the application in
applies the experimental
option to make it portable across different versions of GLIBC.
Please refer to tebako README for more information.
Support for glibc forward portable packages is subject to the following caveats:
The package is built against the installed OpenSSL version on the system (e.g. 1.1.1), which needs to be present at the target system. If the target system has a different version of OpenSSL, the package will not work.
Packaging from outside the container for Alpine:
docker run -v $PWD:/mnt/w -t \
tebako press --root=/mnt/w/sinatra --entry-point=app.rb \
--output=/mnt/w/sinatra.tebako --Ruby=3.3.7
Command that was used to generate sample application:
rails new ror --skip-bundle --skip-docker --skip-action-mailer --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-text --skip-active-storage \
--skip-action-cable --skip-bootsnap --skip-dev-gems --skip-coffee --skip-sprockets --skip-spring --skip-test
Database configuration at database.yml
changed to be more flexible:
default: &default
adapter: sqlite3
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
timeout: 5000
<<: *default
database: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_STORAGE") { "storage/development.sqlite3" } %>
<<: *default
database: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_STORAGE") { "storage/test.sqlite3" } %>
<<: *default
database: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_STORAGE") { "storage/production.sqlite3" } %>
Running in standalone mode:
cd ror
bundle install
rails server
This launches a rails server that responds at:
Install Tebako according to the Tebako README.
Run this:
tebako press -e bin/rails -o rails.tebako -r ror
Please do not package "in-place" like: tebako press -e app.rb -o rails.tebako -r ./ Tebako includes all files starting from the root folder into package and packaging "in-place" will force endless recursive inclusion of the package into itself. |
Packaging for Ubuntu and Alpine Linux employs Tebako Docker containers available through
There are no prerequisites for using these containers.
For example, packaging from outside the container for Ubuntu:
docker run -v $PWD:/mnt/w -t \
tebako press --root=/mnt/w/ror --entry-point=bin/rails \
--output=/mnt/w/rails.tebako --Ruby=3.3.7 --patchelf
Please refer to Sinatra sample comments above for more Tebako CI containers examples.
There is no configuration option to change where Rails expects the tmp folder to be. The location is hardcoded in multiple places within the Rails codebase, residing under the application root, and as a result, it gets included in the read-only Tebako memfs. Although patches have been proposed (e.g.,, there is currently no way to change the paths for temporary files, caches, and sockets.
To address this limitation in Rails, Tebako provides --tebako-mount option to mount a host folder to the memfs tree.
For our example we create ror-data
folder where temporary files and logs will be placed.
mkdir -p $PWD/ror-data
./rails.tebako server --port=4567 --tebako-mount local/tmp:$PWD/ror-data/tmp \
--tebako-mount local/log:$PWD/ror-data/log
Please refer to tebako README for more information re Tebako runtime options.