Chainer,Google Colaboratory,DL-Box,自由設定課題などAIセミナーに関連する事項全般を取り扱います.
This repository is used for sharing information of AI seminar.
This is about Chainer, Google Colaboratory, DL-Box, and group works.
If you have any question, please add new issue.
We, TA members of AI seminar, will answer your questions (Your contribution is also welcome).
- このレポジトリはPublic設定なので誰でも閲覧可能です.
- 個人を特定する書き込みは止めてください.
- DL-BoxやTeamViewerのパスワードは書き込まないでください.
- issueを投稿する前に,同じ議題が既に上がっていないか確認してください.
Note that
- This repository can be seen by any people since this is public.
- Do not write personal information.
- Do not write password of DL-Box and TeamViewer
- Before submitting new issue, check existing issues which relate to your question.