The application was built as a practice project for a JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure course with FreecodeCamp. It features an RPG where players can fight beasts, buy weapons, and a hidden feature. It was built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to practice with arrays, strings, objects, functions, loops, and if/else statements.
- A main screen/town square with three buttons where players can choose which action to take;
- A store where players can buy health or weapons;
- A cave where players can fight beasts and gain experience points and or gold (or lose them);
- A fight dragon button where players can fight the main villain of the game. You can do it!
- JavaScript
In the project directory, you can run it with the Live Server by right-clicking on index.html.
It will run the app in development mode.
Open to view it in your browser.
When making changes, make sure you reload to see it on the page.