- Research Paper : k-Plane Clustering
- Authors : Bradley and Mangasarian
- Paper Link : https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008324625522
- Our goal is to cluster
given points inn
-dimensional real space intok
clusters by generatingk
hyperplanes. - We iteratively repeat cluster assignment and cluster update until the algorithm finally converges and we get the minimum sum of squares of distances of each point to its nearest plane.
- The algorithm is implemented for the Wisconsin Prognostic Breast Cancer (WPBC) Dataset. It can be found at https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/16/breast+cancer+wisconsin+prognostic
- The features we use are
Tumor Size
andLymph Node Status
, both normalised to have0
mean and1
standard deviation. - We have a total of
points in the dataset and we will be dividing them into3
- total number of data points (198)n
- dimensions (2)k
- number of clusters (3)A
- collection of all datapoints in am x n
- collection of all weights (norm = 1) in ak x n
- collection of all bias terms in ak
length arraym_cluster
- number of datapoints belonging to a particular clusterA_cluster
- collection of all datapoints belonging to a particular cluster in am_cluster x n
Cluster Assignment
assigning points to the nearest cluster plane
for each point, our goal is to determine the index of plane closest to it
$|A_{i}w^{j}{l(i)}-\gamma^{j}_{l(i)}| = min{l = 1,2…k}|A_{i}w^{j}{l}-\gamma{l}^{j}|$,
$l(i)$ is the index of closest plane for$A_i$
Cluster Update
for each cluster, we collect all its datapoints and try to find the plane which minimises the sum of squares of distances of each point to itself
$B(l) = A(l)’ * (I - \frac{ee’}{m(l)}) * A(l)$ ,where
$A(l)$ is the collection of all datapoints in cluster$l$ and$e$ is a vector of ones of appropriate dimension -
Then, corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue for
$B$ , we find the eigenvector and set the value of$w$ as$w_{l}^{j+1} = v$ ($v$ = eigenvector corresponding to smallest eigenvalue) -
$\gamma_{l}^{j+1} = \frac{e’ * A(l) * w_{l}^{j+1}}{m(l)}$
Finite Termination
- The kPC algorithm terminates in finite step at a locally optimal cluster assignment.
- Similar to k-means, we can use the “elbow method” to find the ideal number of clusters to use for our dataset