fix(electron): devtools open in detach mode (#8200) #3
5 errors, 1 warning, and 1 notice
1) local-first-avatar.spec.ts:11:5 › should create a page with a local first avatar and remove it
Test timeout of 50000ms exceeded.
1) local-first-avatar.spec.ts:11:5 › should create a page with a local first avatar and remove it
Error: Test timeout of 50000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByTestId('current-workspace-label')
- locator resolved to <div data-state="closed" data-testid="current-workspace-label" class="style_currentWorkspaceLabel__w6lall6"></div>
- attempting click action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #1
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #2
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
24 | await page.getByTestId('workspace-card').nth(1).click();
25 | await page.getByTestId('settings-modal-trigger').click();
> 26 | await page.getByTestId('current-workspace-label').click();
| ^
27 | await page
28 | .getByTestId('upload-avatar')
29 | .setInputFiles(resolve(rootDir, 'tests', 'fixtures', 'blue.png'));
at /home/runner/work/AFFiNE-Contribution/AFFiNE-Contribution/tests/affine-local/e2e/local-first-avatar.spec.ts:26:53
2) local-first-collections-items.spec.ts:67:5 › Show collections items in sidebar ────────────────
Test timeout of 50000ms exceeded.
2) local-first-collections-items.spec.ts:67:5 › Show collections items in sidebar ────────────────
Error: locator.hover: Test timeout of 50000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByTestId('explorer-collections').locator('[data-testid^="explorer-collection-"]').first().locator('[data-testid^="explorer-doc-"]').first()
- locator resolved to <div data-state="closed" data-testid="explorer-doc-U65sJG3WLFCaZ_-pVGyPI">…</div>
77 | const collectionPage = first.locator('[data-testid^="explorer-doc-"]').nth(0);
78 | expect(await collectionPage.textContent()).toBe('test page');
> 79 | await collectionPage.hover();
| ^
80 | await collectionPage
81 | .getByTestId('explorer-tree-node-operation-button')
82 | .click();
at /home/runner/work/AFFiNE-Contribution/AFFiNE-Contribution/tests/affine-local/e2e/local-first-collections-items.spec.ts:79:24
3) local-first-favorites-items.spec.ts:42:5 › Show favorite reference in sidebar ─────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
Locator: locator('.linked-doc-popover')
Expected: visible
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('.linked-doc-popover')
at ../../kit/utils/page-logic.ts:50
48 | await page.keyboard.type('@', { delay: 50 });
49 | const linkedPagePopover = page.locator('.linked-doc-popover');
> 50 | await expect(linkedPagePopover).toBeVisible();
| ^
51 | await type(page, pageName || 'Untitled');
52 |
53 | await'ArrowUp');
at createLinkedPage (/home/runner/work/AFFiNE-Contribution/AFFiNE-Contribution/tests/kit/utils/page-logic.ts:50:35)
at /home/runner/work/AFFiNE-Contribution/AFFiNE-Contribution/tests/affine-local/e2e/local-first-favorites-items.spec.ts:52:3
tests/affine-local/local-first-show-delete-modal.spec.ts took 21.7s
3 flaky
local-first-avatar.spec.ts:11:5 › should create a page with a local first avatar and remove it ─
local-first-collections-items.spec.ts:67:5 › Show collections items in sidebar ─────────────────
local-first-favorites-items.spec.ts:42:5 › Show favorite reference in sidebar ──────────────────
3 skipped
24 passed (4.6m)
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.