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FFI: Workaround for platform dlerror() returning NULL. #2634

FFI: Workaround for platform dlerror() returning NULL.

FFI: Workaround for platform dlerror() returning NULL. #2634

Workflow file for this run

name: Static analysis
- '**-notest'
- 'upstream-**'
- '**'
# An update of a developer branch cancels the previously
# scheduled workflow run for this branch. However, the default
# branch, and long-term branch (tarantool/release/2.11,
# tarantool/release/2.10, etc) workflow runs are never canceled.
# We use a trick here: define the concurrency group as 'workflow
# run ID' + # 'workflow run attempt' because it is a unique
# combination for any run. So it effectively discards grouping.
# XXX: we cannot use `github.sha` as a unique identifier because
# pushing a tag may cancel a run that works on a branch push
# event.
group: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/tarantool/')
&& format('{0}-{1}', github.run_id, github.run_attempt)
|| format('{0}-{1}', github.workflow, github.ref) }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: [self-hosted, lightweight, Linux, x86_64]
name: LuaJIT linters (luacheck, flake8, codespell)
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
submodules: recursive
- name: environment
uses: ./.github/actions/setup
- name: setup
run: |
# TODO: Move this step to a separate action.
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install cmake ninja-build lua5.1 luarocks
sudo luarocks install luacheck
sudo pip3 install flake8==6.1.0
sudo pip3 install codespell==2.2.5
# Set CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable to
# limit the number of parallel jobs for build/test step.
echo CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=$(($(nproc) + 1)) | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
- name: configure
run: cmake -S . -B ${{ env.BUILDDIR }} -G Ninja
- name: lint
run: cmake --build . --target LuaJIT-lint
working-directory: ${{ env.BUILDDIR }}