SvelteUI is an all inclusive Svelte library - Components, Actions, Utilities, Animations
What more could you ask for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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- SvelteKit and SSR Compatible
- TypeScript and type definitions are supported, but optional
- All components are accessible according to WAI-ARIA standards
- Dark theme included, as well as a custom theming api
- Minimal third-party dependency usage
- Easy setup - Zero Configuration
The docs are still under construction. Some of the library's exported components & functions are still undocumented. Here is where you can keep track of the progress.
Please keep in mind that any undocumented component could potentially receive breaking API changes or be heavily updated before being finalized.
– core components library with 8+ components@svelteui/actions
– library of useful actions@svelteui/motion
– library of transitions to utilize on dom elements@svelteui/utilities
– library of helpful utility functions@svelteui/prism
– code highlight component built with prism
I want to build a friendly community that is happy to help those who need it. Help build one up by joining the discord |:
- Join Discord community – it will be the easiest way to get help.
- Github Discussions - you can discuss anything relating to the project here.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, submit an issue
- If you would like to directly contribute, read the contribution guide then submit a PR
Everything in the project is distributed under the MIT License
- Twitter - Brisklemonaid
- Discord - SvelteUI Discord