This is a simple interface for sending tasks to RabbitMQ. It will serialize the task and send it to the specified exchange and queue. While getting tasks is generally implemented, it is not tested. If you intend to use it, feel free to contribute to this repo to improve it.
Variable | Description |
RABBITMQ_HOST | The host of the RabbitMQ instance |
RABBITMQ_USER | The user of the RabbitMQ instance |
RABBITMQ_PASS | The password of the RabbitMQ instance |
use TargonIndustries\rabbitmq\tasks\MailTask;
use TargonIndustries\rabbitmq\TaskSender;
require_once './lib-rabbitmq/TaskSender.php';
$task = new MailTask('[email protected]', 'User', 'Your Subject here', 'This is an email.');
try {
TaskSender::sendToRMQ($task->type, 'exchange', 'mail', $task);
} catch (Exception $e) {
error_log("RabbitMQ error: " . $e->getMessage());
return true;