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Tom Barbette edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

SchedOrderTest Element Documentation


SchedOrderTest — Click element; remembers scheduling order


SchedOrderTest(ID, [ SIZE, LIMIT, STOP])

Ports: none


SchedOrderTest elements repeatedly schedule themselves, and keep track of the order in which they were scheduled. ID is an integer used to distinguish between different SchedOrderTest elements. The "order" handler reports the sequence of IDs corresponding to the order in which the first SIZE SchedOrderTest tasks were scheduled. Use ScheduleInfo to set SchedOrderTest's tickets.

  • SIZE — Integer. The maximum length of the stored ID sequence. Default is 1024.
  • LIMIT — Unsigned. SchedOrderTest will schedule itself at most LIMIT times. 0 means forever. Default is 0.
  • STOP — Boolean. If true, SchedOrderTest will stop the driver when the ID sequence is full. (Note that this has to do with SIZE, not LIMIT.) Default is false.


  • order (read-only) — Reports the ID sequence as a space-separated list of integers.



Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/test/schedordertest.hh:9 on 2018/10/03.

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