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Tom Barbette edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

StrideSched Element Documentation


StrideSched — Click element; pulls from stride-scheduled inputs


StrideSched(TICKETS0, ..., TICKETSN-1)

Ports: 1 or more inputs, 1 output
Processing: pull


Has one output and N inputs. Performs simple packet-based stride scheduling, assigning TICKETSi to input i for each input.

Each time a pull comes in on the output, it pulls on its inputs in the order specified by the stride scheduling queue, until all inputs have been tried or one produces a packet. If an input does not produce a packet, it is not tried again in the current round (for the current pull on the output) even if it has a very short stride. This minimizes overhead and ensures that an input that produces a packet, if any, is found as soon as possible, consistently with the stride scheduler ordering.

The inputs usually come from Queues or other pull schedulers. StrideSched uses notification to avoid pulling from empty inputs.


  • tickets0...ticketsN-1 (read/write) — Returns or sets the number of tickets for each input port.


PrioSched, RoundRobinSched, DRRSched, StrideSwitch

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/standard/stridesched.hh:9 on 2018/08/06.

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