Second attempt at github/sharing
simple RPC server based on tutorials, and a web console. make simple roc request, both synch and asynch responses supported. either blocks and prints response or responses via notifications.
I have used what I have gained by reading, copying and studying the many great golang projects everybody has shared over the past few years. Thank you.
SYNCH: RPC>connect() aa: , true localhost:1234 true synch RPC>Arith.Multiply(2,30) Arith.Multiply(2,30) RPC>Arith.Multiply(2,30) Arith.Multiply(2,30) {"id":null,"result":60,"error":null}
ASYNCH: RPC>connect(,true) aa: ,true localhost:1234 true RPC>Arith.Multiply(2,30) Arith.Multiply(2,30) RPC>Arith.Multiply(2,30) Arith.Multiply(2,30)
…PS for some reason the first request never receives a response, probably has do do with opening the web socket connection but have not spent the five minutes to figure it out.
PPS right now it does a quick check to try to convert the string input to boolean, int or leaves as string.