ROS2 package for target pose tracking with MoveIt's move group interface framework.
The node listens to the commanding topic /tracking_pose of type geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped.
When a commanding topic is received, it plots desired pose first for visulization, then initiates motion planning and execution.
If motion planning is not solvable for a specific pose, you can see some logging info from the console, although visualization is shown at the desired pose, there is no motion could be executed.
7DOF Panda | 6DOF UR10e |
- It seems the node must run on the same machine where MoveIt runs, otherwise certain moveit components may crash.
- joint trajectory controller introduces state tolerance check in Humble. As of 11/2022, binary distribution on AMD64 for the module is tagged as 2.12.0-1, which may not run properly because of this new tolerance check.
The most recent source code is tagged as 2.13, which doesn't have this problem. So consider compiling this module from source:
- Humble with ARM64 distribution exhibits the same behavior.
- MoveIt2 in Humble has very useful new feature to publish robot model (URDF and SRDF), ie., once one node enables the robot description publishing, other nodes may no longer need to load those parameters explicitly.
For example, when publishing is enabled in MoveIt/RViz launch script, then pose tracking node doesn't need launch script. - Here's URDF/SRDF publishing enable details, and it can be added to your move group's parameters:
'publish_robot_description': True, 'publish_robot_description_semantic': True,
- It should build and run out of box.
- Although it runs, it is much more complicated than [Humble] to configure, i.e., pose tracking node depends on launch/config script.
I used the following command to build, as personal preference, but any colcon command should do:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-select ros_pose_tracking --cmake-args=" --log-level=STATUS" --event-handlers console_direct+
Other than regular moveit_ros_planning, moveit_ros_move_group and some tf2 packages, one following package which may not have binary distribution is required:
[moveit_visual_tools] (
Use foxy branch for ROS2 foxy, or ros2 branch for ROS2 humble.
- Humble introduces some significant moveit configuration and launch enhancements.
If you have moveit2_tutorial package installed, you can directly launch RViz with:
ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials
There is no extra step needed. Robot model is automatically published as described in [Setup] section. - If you don't have moveit2_tutorial package installed, or if you prefer to use your own config/launch setup, follow the instruction for [Foxy]
- Humble introduces some significant moveit configuration and launch enhancements.
- Use provided launch script to start Moveit:
ros2 launch ros_pose_tracking
- Use provided launch script to start Moveit:
- If you're using moveit2_tutorial package, run the node as:
ros2 run ros_pose_tracking ros_pose_tracking
- If you're using provided launch script, follow the instruction for [Foxy]
- If you're using moveit2_tutorial package, run the node as:
- The node needs launch file to run
ros2 launch ros_pose_tracking
- The node needs launch file to run
If you see ros_pose_tracking node emitting message:
"Topic /rviz_visual_tools waiting 5 seconds for subscriber."
Don't worry, it is not an error, the following shows how to address it.
ros_pose_tracking node publishes visualization topic to ask RViz to perform visualization rendering. So we need to add this topic in RViz in order to show commanding poses.
Experiments show [Humble] can do any (if not all) motion planning when it operates in ARM's workspace, and meets joint limits requirement.
But unfortunately it is not the case for [Foxy]. There are couple of instances that motion from pose A to pose B can be performed, but not from pose B back to pose A.
Here's some of the examples to command pose tracking from shell console:
ros2 topic pub /tracking_pose geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, frame_id: "map"}, pose: {position: {x: 0.28, y: -0.2, z: 0.5}, orientation: {x: 0.924135, y: -0.382065, z: -0.00018, w: -0.00048516}}}' -1
ros2 topic pub /tracking_pose geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, frame_id: "map"}, pose: {position: {x: 0.28, y: -0.2, z: 0.5}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 1}}}' -1
You can also run testing code as the following:
- If you're at ros_pose_tracking package's root folder
ros2 run ros_pose_tracking ros_pose_tracking_test --ros-args --params-file ros_pose_tracking/config/pose_tracking_test.yaml
- Or from any where
ros2 run ros_pose_tracking ros_pose_tracking_test --ros-args --params-file ``ros2 pkg prefix ros_pose_tracking``/share/ros_pose_tracking/config/pose_tracking_test.yaml
- Change or add pose data to the following data file to fit your case:
All UR10e joints' operating ranges are -360 degree to +360 degree. This provides very fine control for the joint trajectory controller, but it presents a challenge to MoveIt for motion planning, large amount of calculation for extended workspace may prevent finding all potential IK solutions, or a not optimal solution may be selected. -
Make sure adding
(either physcal or simulator robot) IP address to your /etc/hosts.
Power the robot or simulator, add External Control URCap to Polyscope's program tab.
ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=ur10e launch_rviz:=false initial_joint_controller:=joint_trajectory_controller
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=ur10e launch_rviz:=false initial_joint_controller:=joint_trajectory_controller
Configure the URCap via Polyscope's installation tab, make sure host, where ROS controllers and MoveIt run, IP address is specified correctly.
Run external control URCap via run button at the botton from Polyscope.
Use your preferred moveit config/launch script, but make sure robot model is published as described in [Setup/Humble] section.
ros2 launch ros_pose_tracking robot_ip:=ur10e launch_rviz:=true
ros2 launch ros_pose_tracking robot_ip:=ur10e launch_rviz:=true
- Same as Panda ARM, except specifying UR10e move group name:
ros2 run ros_pose_tracking ros_pose_tracking -g ur_manipulator
- Same as Panda ARM, except specifying UR10e move group name:
- Node needs a launch file to run
ros2 launch ros_pose_tracking
- Node needs a launch file to run
- Always to check if joint trajectory controller is active:
ros2 control list_controllers
- If the controller is not active, activate it via the following before doing anything else:
ros2 control set_controller_state joint_trajectory_controller active
- Always to check if joint trajectory controller is active:
- Same as Panda ARM
- Same as Panda ARM.
- Same as Panda ARM
- Note: If you're using following as the testing poses:
w/o modification, you may see one of poses is not reachable, and IMO this is more a testing pose tuning issue than MoveIt motion planning solution issue.