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jeremiaheinle edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 7 revisions




FeatureIDE: IFeatureProject{ IFeatureModel{ IFeature } } ,FeatureColor

FeatureContextand FeatureContextManager are important throughout the Project to differentiate between features. FeatureContexs get created in the FeatureContextWizard view. To do so, there is a List of Features in the Wizard. These Features (IFeature) come from the FeatureIDE Library. They are from the IFeatureModel inside of the IFeatureProject. A FeatureContext then stores the name of the feature and a chosen FeatureColor. The FeatureContexts get stored in FeatureContextManager. ProjectNotFoundException gets thrown inside of FeatureContexteManager or FeatureContextWizard, when there is no Active ConfigurationProject.

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