This project defines a module for the MATSim Software that is able to collect usage statistics and send them to a remote server.
The module is distributed using jitpack. For maven, add the following snippets:
<!-- other repositories -->
<!-- for matsim stats -->
<!-- other dependencies -->
<version>[version number]</version>
where [version number]
is any commit number or tags
(see the Jitpack badge at the top of this README
for the last version number)
The module provides one Guice module and one config group to configure what and how data is transmitted. To enable the module in you simulations, you will need to add the two following lines to your "run script":
public static void main(String... args) {
String configFile = args[0];
// line 1: add the config group.
Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(configFile, new UsageStatsConfigGroup() );
Controler controler = new Controler(config);
// line 2: add the Guice module that will enable stats collection and push
controler.addOverridingModule(new UsageStatsModule());
// here you go!;
The module is implemented in Kotlin, instead of Java, as it allows much more concise definition of data classes, that this module uses heavily.
This is the MATSim side of the project. The server side is implemented separately.