##Installation install netbeans with JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/jdk-netbeans-jsp-142931.html
##Configuration Then, go to Netbeans and click tools>plugins>settings>add then use the url http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/java/netbeans/update/Release/updates.xml Select the Available Plugins tab and select all the FRC plugins and click install. Next go to tools>options>Miscellaneous>FRC configuration and change the team number to 1432.
##Start Project Create a new FRC project Delete everything in the templates directory. (\src\edu\wpi\first\wpilibj\templates)
##Github Lastly, set up github. Create an account on github, and email me to join team1432, and then in netbeans, go to Team>Git, and clone the repository https://github.com/team1432/bunnybot.git sign into your github account, and make sure to clone it to the (now empty) templates directory.
##How to use Now, when you want to update the project, make your changes, and go to team>commit and write a description of your changes. Then, to sync it online, go to Team>remote>push to upstream. To update your local copy, go to team>remote>pull from upstream.