This is the backend to the SkillsWest.London webapp.
There are three tables. career_path and course have a many-many relation. course exists in a one-to-many with module.
These settings are encoded in files found at api/*/models/*.settings.json
(where * represents the name of each table). Those files should be taken as the final source of truth.
exists in a many-many relation with course
field | type | unique | required |
id | unique primary key | T | T |
name | varchar | T | T |
description | rich text | F | T |
video_url | varchar | F | F |
lmi_code | varchar | F | F |
color | varchar | T | T |
Exists in a one-to-many relation with course
field | type | unique | required |
id | unique primary key | T | F |
name | varchar | T | T |
address | varchar (long) | T | F |
exists in a many-many relation with career_path exists in a one-to-many relation with module
field | type | unique | required |
id | unique primary key | T | T |
name | varchar | F | T |
description | rich text | F | T |
link | varchar | F | T |
postcode | varchar | F | F |
online | boolean | F | T |
start_date | datetime | F | F |
price | varchar | F | T |
icon_url | varchar | F | T |
exists in a many-to-one relation with course
order is an integer which represents the module's order relative to other modules in the course.
field | type | unique | required |
id | unique primary key | T | T |
course_id | integer reference | F | T |
order | integer | F | F |
name | varchar | F | T |
description | rich text | F | T |
link | varchar | F | T |