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HTML JSON Converter

A TypeScript library to convert HTML to JSON and vice versa. Supports both Node.js and browser environments.


npm install html-json-converter


Server-Side Usage

import { ServerHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter';
// OR use the below import if you want to be specific (Recommended)
import { ServerHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter/server';

const converter = new ServerHTMLJSONConverter();

const html = '<div class="test">Hello World</div>';
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "div",
  attributes: { class: "test" },
  children: ["Hello World"]

const jsonObj = {
  tag: "div",
  attributes: { class: "test" },
  children: ["Hello World"]
const htmlOutput = converter.toHTML(jsonObj);
/* Output:
<div class="test">
    Hello World

Browser Usage

// This is the only way to import the client-side version of the library.
import { ClientHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter/client';

const converter = new ClientHTMLJSONConverter();

// Usage is the same as server-side


Void Elements

Void elements are self-closing elements that cannot have children, such as <img>, <br>, <hr>, etc. The converter enforces the rule that void elements cannot have children.

// Valid void element
const html = '<img src="test.jpg" alt="Test"/>';
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "img",
  attributes: {
    src: "test.jpg",
    alt: "Test"

// Attempting to convert a void element with children in JSON to HTML will throw an error
const invalidJson = {
  tag: "img",
  attributes: { src: "test.jpg" },
  children: ["Invalid content"] // This is not allowed

try {
} catch (error) {
  // Output: Void element <img> cannot have children.

Raw Text Elements

Raw text elements, such as <script> and <style>, preserve their content as a single text node.

const html = '<style>.test { color: red; }</style>';
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "style",
  children: [".test { color: red; }"]

Nested Elements

The converter handles nested HTML structures seamlessly.

const html = `
<div class="container">
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "div",
  attributes: { class: "container" },
  children: [
      tag: "h1",
      children: ["Title"]
      tag: "p",
      children: ["Paragraph"]

Supported HTML Elements

Element Type Allows Children Allows Attributes
a Normal Yes Yes
abbr Normal Yes Yes
address Normal Yes Yes
article Normal Yes Yes
aside Normal Yes Yes
audio Normal Yes Yes
b Normal Yes Yes
bdi Normal Yes Yes
bdo Normal Yes Yes
blockquote Normal Yes Yes
body Normal Yes Yes
button Normal Yes Yes
canvas Normal Yes Yes
caption Normal Yes Yes
cite Normal Yes Yes
code Normal Yes Yes
colgroup Normal Yes Yes
data Normal Yes Yes
datalist Normal Yes Yes
dd Normal Yes Yes
del Normal Yes Yes
details Normal Yes Yes
dfn Normal Yes Yes
dialog Normal Yes Yes
div Normal Yes Yes
dl Normal Yes Yes
dt Normal Yes Yes
em Normal Yes Yes
fieldset Normal Yes Yes
figcaption Normal Yes Yes
figure Normal Yes Yes
footer Normal Yes Yes
form Normal Yes Yes
h1 Normal Yes Yes
h2 Normal Yes Yes
h3 Normal Yes Yes
h4 Normal Yes Yes
h5 Normal Yes Yes
h6 Normal Yes Yes
head Normal Yes Yes
header Normal Yes Yes
hgroup Normal Yes Yes
html Normal Yes Yes
i Normal Yes Yes
iframe Normal Yes Yes
ins Normal Yes Yes
kbd Normal Yes Yes
label Normal Yes Yes
legend Normal Yes Yes
li Normal Yes Yes
main Normal Yes Yes
map Normal Yes Yes
mark Normal Yes Yes
menu Normal Yes Yes
meter Normal Yes Yes
nav Normal Yes Yes
noscript Normal Yes Yes
object Normal Yes Yes
ol Normal Yes Yes
optgroup Normal Yes Yes
option Normal Yes Yes
output Normal Yes Yes
p Normal Yes Yes
picture Normal Yes Yes
pre Normal Yes Yes
progress Normal Yes Yes
q Normal Yes Yes
rp Normal Yes Yes
rt Normal Yes Yes
ruby Normal Yes Yes
s Normal Yes Yes
samp Normal Yes Yes
section Normal Yes Yes
select Normal Yes Yes
small Normal Yes Yes
span Normal Yes Yes
strong Normal Yes Yes
sub Normal Yes Yes
summary Normal Yes Yes
sup Normal Yes Yes
table Normal Yes Yes
tbody Normal Yes Yes
td Normal Yes Yes
template Normal Yes Yes
tfoot Normal Yes Yes
th Normal Yes Yes
thead Normal Yes Yes
time Normal Yes Yes
tr Normal Yes Yes
u Normal Yes Yes
ul Normal Yes Yes
var Normal Yes Yes
video Normal Yes Yes
Void Elements
area Void No Yes
base Void No Yes
br Void No Yes
col Void No Yes
embed Void No Yes
hr Void No Yes
img Void No Yes
input Void No Yes
keygen Void No Yes
link Void No Yes
meta Void No Yes
param Void No Yes
source Void No Yes
track Void No Yes
wbr Void No Yes
Raw Text Elements
script Raw Text Yes Yes
style Raw Text Yes Yes
textarea Raw Text Yes Yes
title Raw Text Yes Yes
Foreign Elements
svg Foreign Yes Yes
math Foreign Yes Yes

Document Fragment vs Full Documents

The converter supports both HTML fragments and full HTML documents.

// Fragment
const fragment = '<p>Hello</p>';
const fragmentJson = converter.toJSON(fragment);
/* Output:
  tag: "p",
  children: ["Hello"]

// Full Document
const doc = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>Hello</p></body></html>';
const docJson = converter.toJSON(doc);
/* Output:
  tag: "html",
  children: [
      tag: "head"
      tag: "body",
      children: [
          tag: "p",
          children: ["Hello"]

Custom Elements

You can register custom elements with specific behaviors.

import { ServerHTMLJSONConverter, HTMLElementType } from 'html-json-converter';
const customElements = {
  'my-component': { type: HTMLElementType.NORMAL, allowChildren: true, allowAttributes: true },
  'my-void-element': { type: HTMLElementType.VOID, allowChildren: false, allowAttributes: true }

const converter = new ServerHTMLJSONConverter({ customElements });

const html = '<my-component><span>Content</span></my-component>';
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "my-component",
  children: [
      tag: "span",
      children: ["Content"]


You can customize the converter's behavior using the ConverterConfig interface.

import { type ConverterConfig, HTMLElementType,ServerHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter';

const config : ConverterConfig = {
  useTab: false,      // Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
  tabSize: 2,         // Number of spaces per indentation level
  customElements: {   // Register custom elements
    'custom-tag': { type: HTMLElementType.NORMAL, allowChildren: true, allowAttributes: true }

const converter = new ServerHTMLJSONConverter(config);

Important Notes

  • Enforcement of HTML Rules: The converter enforces certain HTML rules:
    • Void Elements:
      • Cannot have children.
      • Must be self-closing in the output HTML.
    • Non-Void Elements:
      • Cannot be self-closed.
      • Must have separate opening and closing tags, even if they have no children.
  • Parser Behavior:
    • When converting HTML to JSON, the converter relies on the HTML parser (JSDOM on the server, DOMParser in the browser).
    • The parser may correct malformed HTML automatically.
    • Invalid HTML (e.g., void elements with children) may be parsed differently than expected due to parser correction.
  • Whitespace Handling:
    • Whitespace and indentation in the output HTML are controlled by the useTab and tabSize configuration options.
  • Error Handling:
    • The converter will throw errors when attempting to violate enforced HTML rules during conversion.
    • Examples include adding children to void elements in JSON when converting to HTML.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Additional Considerations

  • Graceful Handling of Invalid HTML:
    • While the converter enforces rules during JSON to HTML conversion, it handles invalid HTML input gracefully when converting HTML to JSON.
    • The parser may automatically correct or ignore invalid structures.
  • Custom Element Types:
    • You can define custom element types and specify whether they are void, raw text, or normal elements.
    • This allows for flexibility when working with web components or custom tags.
  • Cross-Environment Consistency:
    • Both ServerHTMLJSONConverter and ClientHTMLJSONConverter aim to provide consistent behavior across Node.js and browser environments.
    • Be aware that slight differences may occur due to underlying parser implementations.


Handling Malformed HTML

const html = '<div>Unclosed div';
const json = converter.toJSON(html);
/* Output:
  tag: "div",
  children: ["Unclosed div"]
// The parser corrects the unclosed <div> tag.

Enforcing Rules During Conversion

// Attempting to add children to a void element
const invalidJson = {
  tag: "br",
  children: ["Should not be here"]

try {
} catch (error) {
  // Output: Void element <br> cannot have children.

Using in Next.js (Client-Side)

"use client";

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { ClientHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter/client';

export default function Demo() {
    const [htmlJSON, setHtmlJSON] = useState<string | null>(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        const converter = new ClientHTMLJSONConverter();
        const complexHTMLString = `<div>
                                    <h1>My Title</h1>
                                    <p>My paragraph</p>
                                        <h2>My Subtitle</h2>
                                        <p>My sub paragraph</p>
                                    <section style="color:red;">
                                        <h3>My Subtitle</h3>
                                        <p>My sub paragraph</p>
                                    <img src="" alt="Google Logo" />
        const json = converter.toJSON(complexHTMLString);
    }, []);

    return (
        <div className="max-w-5xl mx-auto text-left font-mono">

For Using in server side in Next.js

import { ServerHTMLJSONConverter } from 'html-json-converter/server';

export default async function Demo() {
    const complexHTMLString = `<div>
                                <h1>My Title</h1>
                                <p>My paragraph</p>
                                    <h2>My Subtitle</h2>
                                    <p>My sub paragraph</p>
                                <section style="color:red;">
                                    <h3>My Subtitle</h3>
                                    <p>My sub paragraph</p>
                                <img src="" alt="Google Logo" />
    const converter = new ServerHTMLJSONConverter();
    const json = converter.toJSON(complexHTMLString);

    return (
        <div className="max-w-5xl mx-auto text-left font-mono">
            {JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)}

Note: Tested only for Next.js 14.2.11

Feedback and Contributions

I appreciate your feedback and contributions. If you encounter issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


A simple package to convert HTML to JSON and JSON to HTML








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