For a complete view : with UML sequence diagrams Arduino Sample program to communicate with the serial2mqtt gateway , see : Arduino device code
Most simple example : publish uptime to MQTT via serial line.
#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
void loop() {
MQTT for all micro-controllers ! The purpose is to offer MQTT publisher/subscriber functionality to all small micro controllers. Those with just a UART or USB interface. Example : some cheap STM32 board on eBay.
I know the ESP32 is capable of Wifi and MQTT on TCP/IP , but in my case it was used for its PWM capabilities and enclosed in a metal box.
This program will act as a full MQTT Client gateway and make integration as simple as possible. This was created because Ethernet or WiFi is still absent in most ( cheap ) controllers . Also the concept behind is that a central PC or Raspberry PI can act as the intelligent mind behind commodity components.
- Topic Names --The design will take into account some assumptions about topic names and tree-structure to make it simple to use. Structure topic to and from device : -- dst/DEVICE/SERVICE/PROPERTY -- src/DEVICE/SERVICE/PROPERTY -- if DEVICE is not known yet the serial2mqtt will subscribe to the dst/HOST.PORT/serial2mqtt/# , where PORT is for example ttyUSB0
- Serial messages will be JSON array or object
-- JSON will be text delimited by newlines
- Through the same communication, debugging logs can be handled without disturbing the mqtt flow. Any line that doesn't start with '{' or be a valid JSON is considered log.
- the serial2mqtt establishes the client MQTT link and subscribes to dst/DEVICE/# when DEVICE is known.
- when there is a big delay on the serial2mqtt serial input, it will do a serial disconnect and connect attempt , to unlock USB ports
- serial2mqtt is event driven and as much as possible unblocking using MQTT in Async mode
- one instance of serial2mqtt should be able to handle different serial ports
- USB devices coming and going should be tracked by serial2mqtt
- Configuration can be command line and config file driven ( JSON ). command line overrides config settings.
The serial2mqtt should be able to reset the device ( hard reset )
- The serial2mqtt should be able to program new code into the device
- serial2mqtt should be able to program the device through the serial interface, for this purpose a third party app will be launched with the concerned serial port as argument.
Example : [1,"mytopic","3.141592653"]
* QOS ,RETAIN, CRC retain are optional
<CRC> : can be checked or not, is calculated on the total JSON string based on the message containing "0000" as temporary CRC. When calculated is in HEX format.
* publish : [1,"dst/topic1","message1",0,0]
* subscribe : [0,"dst/myTopic/#"]
* QOS : 0,1,2 : for QOS, default 0
* RETAIN : 0 or 1 for true or false, default 0
- Example publish : [1,"myTopicPi","3.141592653"]
- Example subscribe : [0,"myTopics/#"]
Example : { "cmd":"MQTT-PUB","topic":"src/device/service/property","message":"1234.66","qos":0,"retained":false }\n
{ "cmd":"MQTT-PUB","topic":"src/device/service/property","message":"1234.66","qos":0,"retained":false }\n
participant µC
participant serial2mqtt
participant MQTT Broker
activate serial2mqtt
serial2mqtt-->>µC: open serial port tty
serial2mqtt-->>MQTT Broker: connect(broker,port)
serial2mqtt-->>µC: [1,"SOMETHING","SOMETHING",0,1] replaying saved local persistence messages even before the MQTT connection establishment
MQTT Broker -->> serial2mqtt: connAck
serial2mqtt-->>µC: [2,"DEVICE",""]
µC->> serial2mqtt: [0,"dst/DEVICE/+"]
µC->> serial2mqtt : [1,"dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true"]
deactivate serial2mqtt
activate serial2mqtt
serial2mqtt-->>MQTT Broker: subscribe("dst/DEVICE/#")
serial2mqtt-->>MQTT Broker: publish("dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true")
MQTT Broker-->>serial2mqtt: publish("dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true")
serial2mqtt-->>µC : [1,"dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true"]
deactivate serial2mqtt
activate serial2mqtt
µC->> serial2mqtt : [1,"dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true"]
serial2mqtt-->>MQTT Broker: publish("dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true")
MQTT Broker-->>serial2mqtt: publish("dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true")
serial2mqtt-->>µC : [1,"dst/DEVICE/system/loopback","true"]
deactivate serial2mqtt
Note right of µC: no more messages after 5 sec,
Note right of µC: serial2mqtt disconnects serial port and tries to reconnect. MQTT connection always open.
serial2mqtt-->>µC: close serial port tty
serial2mqtt-->>µC: open serial port
when serial2mqtt gets diconnected from the MQTT broker:
MQTT Broker-->>serial2mqtt: disconnects
serial2mqtt-->>µC: [3,"",""]
serial2mqtt-->>MQTT Broker: connect(broker,port)
MQTT Broker -->> serial2mqtt: connAck
serial2mqtt-->>µC: [2,"DEVICE",""]
A command line utility will send a single mqtt request to the serial2mqtt gateway to program the microcontroller.
participant µC
participant serial2mqtt
participant MQTT Broker
participant programmer CLI
programmer CLI -x MQTT Broker: PUBLISH("dst/drive/serial2mqtt/flash",flash image binary)
MQTT Broker ->> serial2mqtt : PUBLISH
activate serial2mqtt
serial2mqtt ->> µC : program flash image
serial2mqtt ->> MQTT Broker : PUBLISH(logs)
MQTT Broker ->> programmer CLI : logs
µC ->> serial2mqtt : startup logs
serial2mqtt ->> MQTT Broker : logs
MQTT Broker ->> programmer CLI : logs
µC ->> serial2mqtt : MQTT Pub
deactivate serial2mqtt
Everything that serial2mqtt receives on the serial port is also send on a topic.The micrcontroller will also log to the central logging system
- use Codelite ( optional )
- clone eclipse/paho.mqtt.c
- clone bblanchon/Arduinojson
- clone vortex314/Common
- install libssl-dev ( apt-get install libssl-dev )
- build static library in paho.mqtt.c by using
- build libCommon.a via "make -f"
- build serial2mqtt via "make -f"
Or just deploy the pre-build versions from the Debug directory , 2 versions available : Linux 64bits Intel and Raspberry Pi ARM. The armv6l also runs on raspberry pi 3. Watch out for the arch command below.
unzip serial2mqtt.`arch`.zip
mv Debug/serial2mqtt.`arch` serial2mqtt
There's an experimental OpenWrt package, you can build az ipk package from the git head tailored to your system in less than 5 minutes.
See Configuring serial2mqtt for details.
- ESP32 NodeMCU
- logging mechanism - DONE
- disconnect serial and retry to avoid locking USB ports after timeouts - DONE
- write binary image to file and send to microcontroller by activating configured external command , example esptool or stm32flash
- implement binary ? why should I ?
- command line tool to flash and monitor logs.
-- s2m -f file.bin -m -t pi1-USB0 -- s2m -f file.bin -m -t steer.USB0 - Both lines have the same destination, logical and physical destination , if steer device is connected to pi1 host.
- add other MQTT config params in config file : user, password, clientId - DONE
- test with Maple Mini
- add static topic through config : "src/DEVICE/serial2mqtt/board" "ESP32-Nodemcu" , which will be published every 5 seconds
- add "MQTT-SUB" command to give micro-controller control over topic subscription.
- add log level as parameter -l ( T,D,I,W,E ) for TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR level
Per serial port there is a main thread and mqtt threads for callback The main thread waits for events and handle these primarily. 2 timers in this thread are checked for expiry ( not time critical ) : serial-watchdog and mqtt-connect.
To avoid concurrency issues , the callbacks of the mqtt threads are communicated back by writing an event code on a pipe. The main threads waits on events : timeout of 1 sec, data on serial file-descriptor or pipe file-descriptor. The mqtt event of received message is handled directly by writing the message on the serial port.
"log" : {
As it it is difficult to debug your implementation of the prorocol on the Arduino, hereby a view what is on the serial line.