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gt update

gt update #47

Workflow file for this run

# __ __
# / /____ ___ ____ ___ ___ _/ / This script is provided to you by
# / __/ -_) _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ `/ / It is licensed under European Union Public License 1.2
# \__/\__/\_, /\___/_//_/\_,_/_/ Please report bugs and contribute back your improvements
# /___/
# Version: v0.16.0
name: "gt update"
- cron: '0 4 * * MON'
name: Determine Remotes
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.repository_owner == 'tegonal'
matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrix.outputs.matrix }}
- name: Import gpg key(s) defined in vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST and secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST
run: |
gpg --import - <<< "${{ vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST }}" && success=true \
|| (echo "could not import GPG keys via vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST -- maybe it's not defined"; exit 1) && \
false || gpg --import - <<< "${{ secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST }}" && success=true \
|| (echo "could not import GPG keys via secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST -- maybe it's not defined"; exit 1) && \
false || "${success:-false}" && echo "was able to import GPGs either via vars or secrets (or via both -- see above)"
- name: Install gt
run: |
set -e
# see in, MODIFY THERE NOT HERE (please report bugs)
currentDir=$(pwd) && \
tmpDir=$(mktemp -d -t gt-download-install-XXXXXXXXXX) && cd "$tmpDir" && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --verify ./signing-key.public.asc.sig ./signing-key.public.asc && \
echo "public key trusted" && \
mkdir ./gpg && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --import ./signing-key.public.asc && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --verify ./ ./ && \
chmod +x ./ && \
echo "verification successful" || (echo "!! verification failed, don't continue !!"; exit 1) && \
./ && result=true || (echo "installation failed"; exit 1) && \
false || cd "$currentDir" && rm -r "$tmpDir" && "${result:-false}"
# end
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- id: set-matrix
run: |
(readarray -t REMOTES; IFS=','; echo "matrix={ 'remote': [ ${REMOTES[*]} ] }" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT") < <( gt remote list | sed -E "s/(.*)/'\1'/")
needs: determine_remotes
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
matrix: ${{ fromJson(needs.determine_remotes.outputs.matrix) }}
name: 'Update ${{ matrix.remote }}'
- name: Import gpg key(s) defined in vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST and secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST
run: |
gpg --import - <<< "${{ vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST }}" && success=true \
|| (echo "could not import GPG keys via vars.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST -- maybe it's not defined"; exit 1) && \
false || gpg --import - <<< "${{ secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST }}" && success=true \
|| (echo "could not import GPG keys via secrets.PUBLIC_GPG_KEYS_WE_TRUST -- maybe it's not defined"; exit 1) && \
false || "${success:-false}" && echo "was able to import GPGs either via vars or secrets (or via both -- see above)"
- name: Install gt
run: |
set -e
# see in, MODIFY THERE NOT HERE (please report bugs)
currentDir=$(pwd) && \
tmpDir=$(mktemp -d -t gt-download-install-XXXXXXXXXX) && cd "$tmpDir" && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --verify ./signing-key.public.asc.sig ./signing-key.public.asc && \
echo "public key trusted" && \
mkdir ./gpg && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --import ./signing-key.public.asc && \
wget "" && \
wget "" && \
gpg --homedir ./gpg --verify ./ ./ && \
chmod +x ./ && \
echo "verification successful" || (echo "!! verification failed, don't continue !!"; exit 1) && \
./ && result=true || (echo "installation failed"; exit 1) && \
false || cd "$currentDir" && rm -r "$tmpDir" && "${result:-false}"
# end
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: reset gpg keys
run: gt reset --gpg-only true -r "${{ matrix.remote }}"
- name: gt update
id: gt_update
run: |
gt update -r "${{ matrix.remote }}"
echo "remote_version=$(git --git-dir='.gt/remotes/${{ matrix.remote}}/repo/.git' tag | sort --version-sort | tail -n 1)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: git status
run: git status
- name: Create pull request if necessary
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v6
branch: 'gt/update/${{ matrix.remote }}'
base: main
title: 'update files of remote ${{ matrix.remote }} to version ${{steps.gt_update.outputs.remote_version}} via gt'
commit-message: update files pulled via gt
body: "following the changes after running `gt update -r \"${{ matrix.remote }}\"` and reset gpg keys"
delete-branch: true
token: ${{ secrets.AUTO_PR_TOKEN }}
push-to-fork: ${{ vars.AUTO_PR_FORK_NAME }}