An end-to-end data engineering project leveraging MAGE for transformation, GCP's BigQuery for storage, and Looker for insightful visualization using Uber trip data."
This project covers the end-to-end process of working with Uber trip data, including:
- Extracting raw data from CSV files.
- Transforming the data into structured dimension and fact tables via Mage.
- Loading the transformed data into Google BigQuery for efficient querying.
- Creating insightful visualizations using tools like Google Data Studio.
Programming Language - Python
Google Cloud Platform
- Google Storage
- Compute Instance
- BigQuery
- Looker Studio
Data Pipleine Tool - Mage AI
TLC Trip Record Data Yellow and green taxi trip records include fields capturing pick-up and drop-off dates/times, pick-up and drop-off locations, trip distances, itemized fares, rate types, payment types, and driver-reported passenger counts.
More info about dataset can be found here: