With this RESTful API you can integrate a global reward or incentive program into your app or platform. If you have any questions or if you'd like to receive your own credentials, please contact us at [email protected].
You can add this SDK to your project via RubyGems, it's called tangocard-raas
. Then you can include it where needed by calling require 'raas'
This client library is a Ruby gem which can be compiled and used in your Ruby and Ruby on Rails project. This library requires a few gems from the RubyGems repository.
- Open the command line interface or the terminal and navigate to the folder containing the source code.
- Run
gem build tangocard-raas.gemspec
to build the gem. - Once built, the gem can be installed on the current work environment using
gem install tangocard-raas-1.1.2.gem
The following section explains how to use the Raas Ruby Gem in a new Rails project using RubyMine™. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.
Close any existing projects in RubyMine™ by selecting File -> Close Project
. Next, click on Create New Project
to create a new project from scratch.
Next, provide TestApp
as the project name, choose Rails Application
as the project type, and click OK
In the next dialog make sure that correct Ruby SDK is being used (minimum 2.0.0) and click OK
This will create a new Rails Application project with an existing set of files and folder.
In order to use the Raas gem in the new project we must add a gem reference. Locate the Gemfile
in the Project Explorer window under the TestApp
project node. The file contains references to all gems being used in the project. Here, add the reference to the library gem by adding the following line: gem 'tangocard-raas', '~> 1.1.2'
Once the TestApp
project is created, a folder named controllers
will be visible in the Project Explorer under the following path: TestApp > app > controllers
. Right click on this folder and select New -> Run Rails Generator...
Selecting the said option will popup a small window where the generator names are displayed. Here, select the controller
Next, a popup window will ask you for a Controller name and included Actions. For controller name provide Hello
and include an action named Index
and click OK
A new controller class anmed HelloController
will be created in a file named hello_controller.rb
containing a method named Index
. In this method, add code for initialization and a sample for its usage.
You can test the generated SDK and the server with automatically generated test cases as follows:
- From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
- Invoke:
bundle exec rake
In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.
Parameter | Description |
platform_name | RaaS v2 API Platform Name |
platform_key | RaaS v2 API Platform Key |
API client can be initialized as following.
# Configuration parameters and credentials
platform_name = 'QAPlatform2' # RaaS v2 API Platform Name
platform_key = 'apYPfT6HNONpDRUj3CLGWYt7gvIHONpDRUYPfT6Hj' # RaaS v2 API Platform Key
client = Raas::RaasClient.new(
platform_name: platform_name,
platform_key: platform_key
The added initlization code can be debugged by putting a breakpoint in the Index
method and running the project in debug mode by selecting Run -> Debug 'Development: TestApp'
- AccountsController
- OrdersController
- CatalogController
- ExchangeRatesController
- StatusController
- CustomersController
The singleton instance of the AccountsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
accounts = client.accounts
Gets a list of accounts for a given customer
def get_accounts_by_customer(customer_identifier); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
customer_identifier | Required |
Customer Identifier |
customer_identifier = 'customerIdentifier'
result = accounts.get_accounts_by_customer(customer_identifier)
Get an account
def get_account(account_identifier); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
account_identifier | Required |
Account Identifier |
account_identifier = 'accountIdentifier'
result = accounts.get_account(account_identifier)
Create an account under a given customer
def create_account(customer_identifier,
body); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
customer_identifier | Required |
Customer Identifier |
body | Required |
Request Body |
customer_identifier = 'customerIdentifier'
body = CreateAccountRequestModel.new
result = accounts.create_account(customer_identifier, body)
Gets all accounts under the platform
def get_all_accounts; end
result = accounts.get_all_accounts()
The singleton instance of the OrdersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
orders = client.orders
TODO: Add a method description
def create_order(body); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
body | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
body = CreateOrderRequestModel.new
result = orders.create_order(body)
TODO: Add a method description
def get_order(reference_order_id); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
reference_order_id | Required |
Reference Order ID |
reference_order_id = 'referenceOrderID'
result = orders.get_order(reference_order_id)
TODO: Add a method description
def create_resend_order(reference_order_id); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
reference_order_id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
reference_order_id = 'referenceOrderID'
result = orders.create_resend_order(reference_order_id)
TODO: Add a method description
def get_orders(options = Hash.new); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
account_identifier | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
customer_identifier | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
external_ref_id | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
start_date | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
end_date | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
elements_per_block | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
page | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = Hash.new
account_identifier = 'accountIdentifier'
collect['account_identifier'] = account_identifier
customer_identifier = 'customerIdentifier'
collect['customer_identifier'] = customer_identifier
external_ref_id = 'externalRefID'
collect['external_ref_id'] = external_ref_id
start_date = DateTime.now
collect['start_date'] = start_date
end_date = DateTime.now
collect['end_date'] = end_date
elements_per_block = 201
collect['elements_per_block'] = elements_per_block
page = 201
collect['page'] = page
result = orders.get_orders(collect)
The singleton instance of the CatalogController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
catalog = client.catalog
Get Catalog
def get_catalog; end
result = catalog.get_catalog()
The singleton instance of the ExchangeRatesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
exchangeRates = client.exchange_rates
Retrieve current exchange rates
def get_exchange_rates; end
The singleton instance of the StatusController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
status = client.status
Skips Authentication
Retrieve system status
def get_system_status; end
result = status.get_system_status()
The singleton instance of the CustomersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
customers = client.customers
Get a customer
def get_customer(customer_identifier); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
customer_identifier | Required |
Customer Identifier |
customer_identifier = 'customerIdentifier'
result = customers.get_customer(customer_identifier)
Create a new customer
def create_customer(body); end
Parameter | Tags | Description |
body | Required |
Request Body |
body = CreateCustomerRequestModel.new
result = customers.create_customer(body)
Gets all customers under the platform
def get_all_customers; end
result = customers.get_all_customers()