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Ziga/improve UI for users on OG (#1579)
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zkokelj authored Oct 16, 2023
1 parent ee83c92 commit a58288f
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Showing 4 changed files with 133 additions and 101 deletions.
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Binary file modified tools/walletextension/api/staticOG/favicon-32x32.png
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions tools/walletextension/api/staticOG/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,13 +14,10 @@

<h2>◠. Obscuro Gateway Demo! ◠.</h2>

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block mb-3" id="join">Join</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block mb-3" id="addAccount" style="display: none">Add current account</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block mb-3" id="addAllAccounts" style="display: none">Add all accounts from Metamask</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block mb-3" id="revokeUserID">Revoke UserID</button>

<p id="status"></p>

<table id="accountsTable" border="1">
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229 changes: 132 additions & 97 deletions tools/walletextension/api/staticOG/javascript.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ const idAddAccount = "addAccount";
const idAddAllAccounts = "addAllAccounts";
const idRevokeUserID = "revokeUserID";
const idStatus = "status";
const obscuroGatewayVersion = "v1"
const idAccountsTable = "accountsTable";
const idTableBody = "tableBody";
const obscuroGatewayVersion = "v1";
const pathJoin = obscuroGatewayVersion + "/join/";
const pathAuthenticate = obscuroGatewayVersion + "/authenticate/";
const pathQuery = obscuroGatewayVersion + "/query/";
Expand All @@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ const jsonHeaders = {

const metamaskPersonalSign = "personal_sign";
const obscuroChainIDHex = "0x" + obscuroChainIDDecimal.toString(16); // Convert to hexadecimal and prefix with '0x'

function isValidUserIDFormat(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' && value.length === 64;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +53,19 @@ async function fetchAndDisplayVersion() {

function getNetworkName(gatewayAddress) {
switch(gatewayAddress) {
case '':
return 'Obscuro UAT-Testnet';
case '':
return 'Obscuro Dev-Testnet';
return 'Obscuro Testnet';

function getRPCFromUrl(gatewayAddress) {
// get the correct RPC endpoint for each network
switch(gatewayAddress) {
Expand All @@ -68,14 +84,13 @@ function getRPCFromUrl(gatewayAddress) {

async function addNetworkToMetaMask(ethereum, userID, chainIDDecimal) {
// add network to MetaMask
let chainIdHex = "0x" + chainIDDecimal.toString(16); // Convert to hexadecimal and prefix with '0x'
try {
await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
params: [
chainId: chainIdHex,
chainName: 'Obscuro Testnet',
chainId: obscuroChainIDHex,
chainName: getNetworkName(obscuroGatewayAddress),
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Sepolia Ether',
symbol: 'ETH',
Expand All @@ -95,7 +110,6 @@ async function addNetworkToMetaMask(ethereum, userID, chainIDDecimal) {

async function authenticateAccountWithObscuroGateway(ethereum, account, userID) {
const isAuthenticated = await accountIsAuthenticated(account, userID)

if (isAuthenticated) {
return "Account is already authenticated"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,17 +166,20 @@ function getRandomIntAsString(min, max) {
return randomInt.toString();

async function getUserID() {
try {
return await provider.send('eth_getStorageAt', ["getUserID", getRandomIntAsString(0, 1000), null])
if (await isObscuroChain()) {
return await provider.send('eth_getStorageAt', ["getUserID", getRandomIntAsString(0, 1000), null])
} else {
return null
}catch (e) {
return null;

async function connectAccount() {
async function connectAccounts() {
try {
return await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
} catch (error) {
Expand All @@ -172,6 +189,18 @@ async function connectAccount() {

async function isMetamaskConnected() {
let accounts;
try {
accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
return accounts.length > 0;

} catch (error) {
console.log("Unable to get accounts")
return false

// Check if Metamask is available on mobile or as a plugin in browser
// (
function checkIfMetamaskIsLoaded() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,113 +254,125 @@ async function populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID) {

async function isObscuroChain() {
let currentChain = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_chainId' });
return currentChain === obscuroChainIDHex

async function switchToObscuroNetwork() {
try {
await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
params: [{ chainId: obscuroChainIDHex }],
return 0
} catch (switchError) {
return switchError.code
return -1

const initialize = async () => {
const joinButton = document.getElementById(idJoin);
const addAccountButton = document.getElementById(idAddAccount);
const addAllAccountsButton = document.getElementById(idAddAllAccounts);
const revokeUserIDButton = document.getElementById(idRevokeUserID);
const statusArea = document.getElementById(idStatus);

const accountsTable = document.getElementById('accountsTable')
const tableBody = document.getElementById('tableBody');
const accountsTable = document.getElementById(idAccountsTable)
const tableBody = document.getElementById(idTableBody);
// getUserID from the gateway with getStorageAt method
let userID = await getUserID()

// load the current version
await fetchAndDisplayVersion();

// check if userID exists and has a correct type and length (is valid) and display either
// option to join or to add a new account to existing user
if (isValidUserIDFormat(userID)) { = "none" = "block" = "block" = "block" = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)
} else {
function displayOnlyJoin() { = "block" = "none" = "none" = "none"

joinButton.addEventListener(eventClick, async () => {
// join Obscuro Gateway
const joinResp = await fetch(
pathJoin, {
method: methodGet,
headers: jsonHeaders,
if (!joinResp.ok) {
statusArea.innerText = "Failed to join. \nError: " + joinResp

// save userID to the localStorage and hide button that enables users to join
userID = await joinResp.text();
async function displayConnectedAndJoinedSuccessfully() { = "none"

// add Obscuro network to Metamask
let networkAdded = await addNetworkToMetaMask(ethereum, userID, obscuroChainIDDecimal)
if (!networkAdded) {
statusArea.innerText = "Failed to add network"
statusArea.innerText = "Successfully joined Obscuro Gateway";
// show users an option to add another account and revoke userID = "block" = "block" = "block" = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)

addAccountButton.addEventListener(eventClick, async () => {
// check if we have userID and it is the correct length
if (!isValidUserIDFormat(userID)) {
statusArea.innerText = "\n Please join Obscuro network first" = "block" = "none"
async function displayCorrectScreenBasedOnMetamaskAndUserID() {
// check if we are on Obscuro Chain
if(await isObscuroChain()){
// check if we have valid userID in rpcURL
if (isValidUserIDFormat(userID)) {
return await displayConnectedAndJoinedSuccessfully()
return displayOnlyJoin()

await connectAccount()
// load the current version
await fetchAndDisplayVersion();

// Get an account and prompt user to sign joining with a selected account
const account = await provider.getSigner().getAddress();
if (account.length === 0) {
statusArea.innerText = "No MetaMask accounts found."
let authenticateAccountStatus = await authenticateAccountWithObscuroGateway(ethereum, account, userID)
//statusArea.innerText = "\n Authentication status: " + authenticateAccountStatus = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)
await displayCorrectScreenBasedOnMetamaskAndUserID()

addAllAccountsButton.addEventListener(eventClick, async () => {
// check if we have userID and it is the correct length
if (!isValidUserIDFormat(userID)) {
statusArea.innerText = "\n Please join Obscuro network first" = "block" = "none"
joinButton.addEventListener(eventClick, async () => {
// check if we are on an obscuro chain
if (await isObscuroChain()) {
userID = await getUserID()
if (!isValidUserIDFormat(userID)) {
statusArea.innerText = "Please remove existing Obscuro network from metamask and start again."
} else {
// we are not on an Obscuro network - try to switch
let switched = await switchToObscuroNetwork();
// error 4902 means that the chain does not exist
if (switched === 4902 || !isValidUserIDFormat(await getUserID())) {
// join the network
const joinResp = await fetch(
pathJoin, {
method: methodGet,
headers: jsonHeaders,
if (!joinResp.ok) {
console.log("Error joining Obscuro Gateway")
statusArea.innerText = "Error joining Obscuro Gateway. Please try again later."
userID = await joinResp.text();

// add Obscuro network
await addNetworkToMetaMask(window.ethereum, userID)

await connectAccount()
// we have to check if user has accounts connected with metamask - and promt to connect if not
if (!await isMetamaskConnected()) {
await connectAccounts();

// Get an account and prompt user to sign joining with selected account
const accounts = await provider.listAccounts();
if (accounts.length === 0) {
statusArea.innerText = "No MetaMask accounts found."
// connect all accounts
// Get an accounts and prompt user to sign joining with a selected account
const accounts = await provider.listAccounts();
if (accounts.length === 0) {
statusArea.innerText = "No MetaMask accounts found."

userID = await getUserID();
for (const account of accounts) {
await authenticateAccountWithObscuroGateway(ethereum, account, userID) = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)

for (const account of accounts) {
let authenticateAccountStatus = await authenticateAccountWithObscuroGateway(ethereum, account, userID) = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)
// if accounts change we want to give user chance to add them to Obscuro
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', async function (accounts) {
if (isValidUserIDFormat(await getUserID())) {
userID = await getUserID();
for (const account of accounts) {
await authenticateAccountWithObscuroGateway(ethereum, account, userID) = "block"
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)

await displayConnectedAndJoinedSuccessfully()

Expand All @@ -341,17 +382,11 @@ const initialize = async () => {
await populateAccountsTable(document, tableBody, userID)

if (result) { = "block"; = "none"; = "none";
statusArea.innerText = "Revoking UserID successful. Please remove current network from Metamask." = "none"; = "none"
} else {
statusArea.innerText = "Revoking UserID failed";


window.addEventListener(eventDomLoaded, checkIfMetamaskIsLoaded);
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