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C: graph
C: graph
Context: Graph
C: key
C: key
Context: Graph API Key
C: provider
C: provider
Context: Provider config
C: variant
C: variant
Context: Graph variant
D1: easy
D1: easy
Difficulty: Easy to implement
D2: medium
D2: medium
Difficulty: Medium to implement
D3: hard
D3: hard
Difficulty: Hard to implement
E: dependency
E: dependency
External: Dependency
E: service
E: service
External: Service
R: duplicate
R: duplicate
Resolved: Duplicate
R: invalid
R: invalid
Resolved: Invalid
R: wont do
R: wont do
Resolved: Never doing
T: bug
T: bug
Type: Bug fix
T: consistency
T: consistency
Type: Consistent behaviour
T: docs
T: docs
Type: Documentation change
T: ergonomics
T: ergonomics
Type: Ergonomic improvement
T: feature
T: feature
Type: Feature request
T: maintenance
T: maintenance
Type: Maintenance
T: performance
T: performance
Type: Performance improvement refactor
T: quality
T: quality
Type: Code quality improvement
T: refactor
T: refactor
Type: Refactor
U1: want to have
U1: want to have
Urgency: Want to have
U2: nice to have
U2: nice to have
Urgency: Nice to have
U3: maybe
U3: maybe
Urgency: Maybe
W: confirm
W: confirm
Waiting: Needs confirmation
W: external
W: external
Waiting: External
W: other
W: other
Waiting: Other issues
W: triage
W: triage
Waiting: Need triage
Z: help wanted
Z: help wanted
Z: Need help