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Backup MySQL database form RDS instance

Terraform module for backup MySQL database from RDS instance to s3 bucket.


Module create s3 bucket as backup storage, lambda function (type - container) with scheduled trigger event as CloudWatch event, VPC endpoint for s3 data transfer and some IAM policies for access to RDS instance, KMS keys and s3 bucket. Lambda will trig python script inside container which create .sql file from chosen database and locate it in s3 bucket.

Software Requirements

Terraform >= v0.14.9

Python >= 3.8

AWS Profile

Create an AWS account and get aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key. Follow this instruction from AWS to configure your AWS profile.

We recommend to use AWS profile (export AWS access and secret keys as environment variables), but you can setup keys by run command:

aws configure

Init Step


You can use pre-build image iaac/aws-lamda-mysql-backup:latest or build own image from templates folder.

To build backup image:

sudo docker build -f templates/Dockerfile -t my-custom-organization/my-custom-repo:latest .

After that you can push images to your private image repo:

sudo docker push my-custom-organization/my-custom-repo:latest


module "database_backup" {
  source = "../"

  env           = "common"
  global_prefix = "project_name"
  region        = "us-west-1"

  vpc_id                 = "vpc-123456"
  route_table_ids        = ["rt-123456g"]
  vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-123456g"]
  vpc_subnet_ids         = ["subnet-123456s"]

  cron_expression = "cron(0 5,8,11,14,17,20 * * ? *)"

  database_host = ""
  database_name = "test_db"
  database_pass = "secretpass"
  database_user = "test_user"

  # Image (optional if you build your own image)
  backup_image_repo = "my-custom-organization/my-custom-repo"
  backup_image_tag  = "v1.0.0"


Name Description Type Default Example Required
env Name of environment string n/a production yes
global_prefix Name of project / company/ customer string n/a test yes
backup_image_repo Image repository name string iaac/aws-lamda-mysql-backup organization/repo no
backup_image_tag Image tag version string latest v1.0 no
region Name of AWS region string n/a us-west-1 yes
vpc_id VPC where RDS instance deployed string n/a vpc-123456 yes
vpc_security_group_ids IDs of VPC security group with access to RDS list(string) n/a sg-123456g yes
vpc_subnet_ids IDs of VPC subnets list(string) n/a subnet-123456s yes
route_table_ids IDs of route tables associated with VPC list(string) n/a rt-123456g yes
database_host Entrypoint to database string n/a yes
database_name Name of database which need to backup string n/a test_db yes
database_user Username with read access to database string n/a test_db_user yes
database_pass Password of user with read access to database string n/a secretpass yes
cron_expression Cron expression for backup trigger string n/a cron(0 5,8,11,14,17,20 * * ? *) yes


Name Description
s3_domain_name Domain name of s3 bucket with backups
lambda_function_name Lambda function name
lambda_function_role Role name associated with lambda function
lambda_function_arn ARN of lambda function
lambda_function_log_group Lambda log group name in CloudWatch