Next light-weight,responsive project With Vue,webpack,Spring Boot and eclipse j2v8 Script engine for server-side-rendering
j2v8 is not support promise on windows right now, so
is prefered for production,windows support is on the way ...
1、Go to webapp and run vue ssr build
cd src/main/webapp && yarn && yarn build
notice:You can run yarn dev
in development mode to show vue error logs
2、Run java maven build
mvn clean package -DskipTests
mvn -v && mvn compile && mvn exec:java
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Copy target/ROOT.war
to ${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps
The whole project is a Java Spring Boot Maven
structure,the src/main/webapp
is a complete Vue
Project With webpack
When build finish,all files merged into target/ROOT.war
Have fun and enjoy!
You can contribute simplely by create a pull request for me
For detailed explanation on how things work, please visit author's blog.