In a file implement a static method with the signature:
public static int pow(int x, int n);
Your method should recursively calculate the value of x^n (x raised to the n power). You may assume that x and n are both positive integers and you do not have to error check the parameters.
Hint: set up a simple recursion similar to how we setup the factorial recursion in class.
Write a main method within that tests the method out on a few different values of x and n.
In the file implement a static method with the signature:
public static <E extends Comparable<E>>
int binarySearch(E[] a, E x);
This method should then trigger another helper method that searches the array recursively for the value x. Your method should return the index of the element if it's found (you may assume that each element is unique). Return -1 if the element is not found.
Hint: start with the iterative code that I presented in lecture 24 (specifically from the file BinarySearchGeneric).
Finally, create a main method that builds an array of String objects and then sort that array with Arrays.sort.
Demonstrate your recursive binarySearch method on this array.